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Tucson Title IX Attorney

Allegations of sexual misconduct on a college campus can impact every aspect of your life and future. Title IX violations are not taken lightly by institutions such as the University of Arizona. Your reputation, standing in the community, and future job prospects could be at risk. Protecting your rights and your future should be your priority.

If you or someone you love are facing accusations of sexual misconduct on a college campus, do not hesitate to contact a Tucson Title IX lawyer. A knowledgeable attorney can help you understand your legal options and work with you to ensure your voice is heard.


Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits any educational institution, receiving federal funds, from engaging in sex discrimination. This includes any sexual harassment or assaults occurring on campus. Schools, municipal and state educational agencies, and other institutions that receive federal financial aid are included under Title IX.

Under Title IX, colleges and universities are required to investigate all allegations of sexual misconduct by students, faculty, or staff. If an investigation finds that the accused party violated this code, they may be subject to suspension, expulsion, or termination, among other consequences. Because each institution has some level of freedom to interpret and implement Title IX regulations as they see fit, proceedings can vary greatly between universities. It is crucial to work with an attorney who understands the intricacies of Title IX cases in Tucson.


Immediately upon receiving a report regarding any sexual violence or misconduct, schools must investigate the incident and take steps to end the sexual violence, prevent its recurrence, address its effects, and protect the complainant. During an investigation, schools must also ensure that both parties have equal opportunities to present witnesses and evidence.

However, if necessary, institutions can also take interim measures before any final outcome is determined in order to protect the complainant’s well-being and educational progress. For instance, universities must provide accommodations such as no-contact orders that prohibit or limit interaction between both parties until after the investigation concludes.

Additionally, investigations cannot be conducted by individuals with conflicts of interest or by anyone connected in any way with the accused or accuser. An experienced Title IX attorney can ensure these rules are followed and conduct proper conflict checks.


It is important to note that an internal investigation conducted by a college such as the University of Arizona can quickly lead to criminal charges for the accused. Sexual assault offenses and their legal penalties are laid out in Arizona Revised Statutes 13-1406. This statute mandates a minimum five-year sentence for a person convicted of sexual assault.

A criminal conviction has long-lasting effects that extend beyond fulfilling a sentence. Obtaining a job in education after a criminal conviction for sexual assault or any Title IX violation can be extremely difficult. A committed Tucson Title IX attorney can help an individual fight sexual misconduct accusations at an educational institution or in a criminal case.


A Title IX conviction can be devastating to your future career goals and personal life. If you are facing Title IX allegations, an experienced attorney at Grand Canyon Law Group can guide you through the legal process and ensure that all of your rights are protected.

To schedule a free consultation with a Tucson Title IX lawyer, call our office today. A dedicated member of our team can assess your case and help you understand your options.

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