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Tucson Criminal Defense Lawyer

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Tucson Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal charges can be extremely challenging to deal with. You could be facing court costs, damage to your reputation, and potential jail or prison time. If you are facing criminal accusations, it is essential that you seek competent legal representation right away.

At Grand Canyon Law Group, our former prosecutors turned defense attorneys know how the courtroom works. We are not afraid to fight for you, and we have the experience needed to fight against the prosecution in your case. Contact a Tucson criminal defense lawyer to get started.


Criminal offenses are categorized as either misdemeanors or felonies. A misdemeanor is the less serious of the two types of offenses and usually carries lesser penalties. A conviction on a misdemeanor charge could result in jail time, probation, and significant fines. Misdemeanors are separated into three classes, with Class 1 including the most egregious offenses.

Felonies are more severe than misdemeanors. There are non-dangerous and dangerous felonies under state law. Dangerous offenses refer to those which could result in serious injury or death. Non-dangerous, are all others. There are six classes of felonies, with Class 1 being the most severe.

Our firm defends both misdemeanor and felony charges, including:

  • Violent crimes, such as assault
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI)
  • Sex crimes
  • Shoplifting and other theft charges
  • White collar crimes, such as money laundering and fraud

The nature of a crime can significantly impact the legal proceedings that follow an arrest. It is essential to work with an attorney who is experienced in handling all different types of criminal cases in Tucson.


State sentencing guidelines govern the fines, incarceration, probation, and community service associated with criminal offenses in Tucson. Arizona Revised Statutes § 13-702 lays out the state sentencing guidelines for first-time felony offenders. A Class 6 felony, such as resisting arrest, is punishable by between four months and two years in prison. A more severe offense like manslaughter, a Class 2 felony, is punishable by a minimum of three years and a maximum of twelve-and-a-half years.

Certain factors can increase or decrease the penalties associated with a crime. These are known as mitigating and aggravating factors, and include things like age and prior offenses. A skilled defense attorney can help an individual better understand the potential penalties associated with their case and the mitigating and aggravating factors that could affect a possible sentence.


Every criminal case is different. There is no one-size-fits-all defense for cases, which is why it is so important to work with a skilled attorney who can thoroughly evaluate a specific case and work to build a strong, tailored defense.

Gathering evidence is an integral part of constructing a strong defense. Interviewing witnesses, gathering relevant documents, hiring investigators, and directly examining the crime scene are just a few of the steps that a knowledgeable lawyer can take when building a case. In some cases, self-defense may be a valid defense. In others, a lawyer can show that mistaken identity led to the alleged crime taking place. A Tucson attorney can work directly with a defendant to explore their legal options in defending against their criminal charges.


When facing a criminal charge, your time, freedom, and reputation are too important to leave to chance. Having ample experience and an in-depth understanding of the courtroom cannot be overstated.

A Tucson criminal defense lawyer equipped with these tools can help you fight your criminal charges. Call our office today to discuss your case with a skilled legal professional.

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