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Tolleson Shoplifting Lawyer

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Tolleson Shoplifting Attorney

Shoplifting is one of the most common charges in Arizona courts. The severity of a shoplifting charge can vary depending on what was taken and how valuable it is considered to be. There are also a few unique elements of shoplifting charges that differentiate them from standard larceny charges—for instance, a shoplifting charge could lead to trouble in both criminal and civil court.

This can be a complex offense to contest, especially if you try to fight your charges without a seasoned defense attorney on your side. Guidance from a Tolleson shoplifting lawyer at Grand Canyon Law Group can be key to avoiding serious repercussions and preserving your future.


As per Arizona Revised Statutes §13-1805, shoplifting as a criminal offense entails someone taking retail merchandise without paying the listed price for it. This can involve actions such as:

  • Hiding the item(s) on their person or in a bag
  • Charging items to a fraudulent credit or debit card, or someone else’s card without the cardholder’s consent
  • Switching the container holding the merchandise
  • Altering or switching an item’s price tag or label


If the total value of shoplifted goods is under $1,000, an ensuing shoplifting charge would be categorized as a class 1 misdemeanor. This is punishable by a maximum of six months in jail, $2,500 in fines plus various surcharges, and three years of probation.


However, shoplifting any amount greater than $1000 will be treated as a class 6 felony, and any amount greater than $2000 is a class 5 felony. Furthermore, shoplifting a firearm is always considered a class 6 felony. Shoplifting as part of a crime syndicate or street gang is a class 5 felony, as is shoplifting $1,500 or more of merchandise over three or more criminal acts within 90 continuous days.

As an experienced Tolleson attorney can explain, anyone convicted of two or more theft offenses within the past five years may have their shoplifting charge prosecuted as a class 4 felony, regardless of what they allegedly took.


In addition to criminal sanctions, people convicted of shoplifting in Arizona may be held civilly liable for damages by the store they stole from. The value of damages available can be as much as the combined value of goods taken, actual damages sustained by the store, and a $250 penalty.

The parents or legal guardians of minors found guilty of shoplifting may be held civilly liable for the value of goods taken, actual damages, and a $100 maximum penalty. Our seasoned lawyers in Tolleson can further explain the process of criminal and civil shoplifting cases during a private consultation.


Shoplifting is a serious offense in Arizona, even if it is categorized as a misdemeanor. A conviction on your record can impact your life in many ways, particularly if you face felony charges.

Fortunately, assistance is available from a capable Tolleson shoplifting lawyer at Grand Canyon Law Group. Our former prosecutors are now dedicated defense attorneys who know how to handle these cases the right way. Schedule a meeting by calling us today.

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