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Tolleson Rights Restoration Lawyer

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Tolleson Rights Restoration Attorney

A felony conviction is a life-changing event. Even after paying fines and serving a prison sentence, you may continue to be negatively impacted by your conviction. For instance, convicted individuals often lose many of their civil rights. Although you cannot eliminate the mark on your criminal record, legal action can help restore the rights you lost due to the felony conviction.

A Tolleson rights restoration lawyer at Grand Canyon Law Group is ready to help you with this process. Our knowledgeable attorneys can draft petitions on your behalf and fight for your rights in court. We believe you have a way of life worth saving.


Under Arizona Revised Statute § 13-907, a court must automatically restore most of a first-time offender’s civil rights upon completing their prison sentence and fully paying all applicable fines and fees. This applies when a person has only one felony conviction on their criminal record. However, a formal petition to the court is still necessary to restore the right to own a firearm.

If a person has two or more felony convictions on their record, the burden lies on them to request restoration of their rights. AZ Rev. Stat. § 13-908 allows people to file these petitions and says that individual judges have the authority to grant or deny them. A person must have completed the full extent of their sentence and wait at least two years from this date to file their petition. Our skilled Tolleson attorneys can help determine if the time is appropriate to ask for a restoration of one’s civil rights.


A criminal conviction on a felony charge impacts a person’s life in many ways. The most visible and imminent requirement is a person’s time in prison. All felonies carry the potential for a multiple-year prison term, even if this is a person’s first conviction. In addition, felonies will stay on a person’s criminal record for the foreseeable future.

Felony convictions also eliminate many of a person’s civil rights. These include the rights to:

  • Own a firearm
  • Vote
  • Be on a jury
  • Run for public office

A petition for a restoration of rights seeks to convince a judge that a person deserves to become a fully functioning member of society again. A rights restoration lawyer at our firm can ask a court to issue a set aside order and help a person move forward with their life.


Felony convictions are serious matters that can impact your life even after you have served your sentence and paid your debts to society. Repeat convictions will see you lose the right to vote and serve on a jury. Even a first conviction will force you to surrender all firearms. Asking a court to set aside a conviction and restore your rights could help put an unpleasant chapter in your life behind you.

Reach out to a Tolleson rights restoration lawyer today. At Grand Canyon Law Group, we are ready to explain how the restoration of rights works and discuss your eligibility. If your petition is likely to succeed, we will take the lead in gathering the necessary information and arguing on your behalf in court. Contact us now to get started.

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