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Tolleson Prostitution Lawyer

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Tolleson Prostitution Attorney

Prostitution is illegal in Arizona under both state and local laws. If you face charges for soliciting or offering sexual services for payment, you need legal representation from the right attorney.

At the Grand Canyon Law Group, our lawyers have years of experience defending prostitution cases. We understand the prostitution laws in Arizona and what penalties you face under those provisions. Our team is made up of former prosecutors and former Deputy County attorneys who know the strategies that the prosecution will use against you. Let a Tolleson prostitution lawyer at our firm defend your case the right way and protect your way of life.


If a person offers to pay something of value in exchange for another to engage in a sexual act, that is a solicitation. Arizona leaves the prosecution of solicitation up to individual local governments; the state statutory criminal code has no corresponding provision for solicitation. Almost every Arizona city has its own municipal laws outlawing solicitation of prostitution.

For example, Phoenix codifies solicitation under the Phoenix Municipal Code Morals and Conduct Section 23-52. This section makes it unlawful to engage in prostitution acts or to solicit another person to engage in prostitution acts. On the other hand, the Arizona Statutes Annotated Section 13-3214 only outlaws prostitution.

City police departments carry out periodic prostitution sting operations under local solicitation laws. An attorney in the Tolleson area can further explain the local rules for soliciting prostitution.


Arizona’s criminal statute classifies prostitution as a class 1 misdemeanor. The state allows victims of human trafficking to use their circumstances as an affirmative defense to prostitution charges.

Those who do not qualify for the affirmative defense may face the following penalties if convicted under Arizona’s statutory prostitution provision:

  • A first violation will receive a sentence of not less than 15 consecutive days in jail. The defendant must serve the entire sentence.
  • A second violation means a jail sentence of 30 consecutive days, and the defendant must serve the entire sentence.
  • A third violation means a jail sentence of 60 days. The defendant must serve the entire sentence and complete a court-ordered treatment/education program.

For a fourth violation, the violation will classify as a class 5 felony requiring a jail sentence of no less than 180 days. When the stakes are this high, it is critical to work with the right prostitution attorney in the area on an effective defense.


Diversion programs for prostitution exist on the city level and through private organizations. These programs typically focus on determining the root cause of the behavior and educating the defendant on the best way to move forward.

Eligibility rules for diversion programs in Arizona vary by county and city. The prosecutor has the final say on whether to accept a request for diversion. If accepted into the program, a person must complete all the program’s requirements, including any court fees. A failure to meet the requirements means the case will go to trial.

Upon completing the requirements, the prosecutor will ask the court to dismiss all charges. A seasoned Tolleson lawyer can further explain a defendant’s legal options for avoiding a criminal record, including prostitution diversion programs.


If you are accused of prostitution, it is critical to have an experienced lawyer on your side to defend you and zealously represent your interests.

Call the Grand Canyon Law Group today to schedule a free consultation with one of our Tolleson prostitution lawyers. Your attorney will review the facts and circumstances of your case to determine your options. We are here to support you in pursuing the best course of action in your case.

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