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Tolleson Criminal Speeding Lawyer

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Tolleson Criminal Speeding Attorney

Most traffic stops for speeding are minor infractions. In these cases, you only face small fines and added points to your license. However, some speeding allegations are much more serious. Under certain circumstances, police officers can arrest you for violating speed limits. This means you must appear in criminal court to answer the allegations. You face severe consequences without an experienced attorney to help you avoid a conviction.

A Tolleson criminal speeding lawyer at Grand Canyon Law Group can help you avoid these penalties. Our attorneys work to demonstrate that a traffic stop was inappropriate or that your driving did not rise to the level of a criminal act. We believe you have a way of life worth protecting, and we are prepared to fight for you and your rights.


Allegations of speeding are some of the most common reasons for traffic stops. For most people, this is a simple moving violation requiring the payment of a fine. However, a small portion of traffic stops for speeding can become criminal matters.

Arizona Revised Statute § 28-701.02 is the state’s law outlining the offense of criminal speeding. This states that speeding is a criminal offense when:

  • A driver exceeds a posted speed limit by more than 20 miles per hour
  • A driver travels at more than 45 miles per hour in a residential or business zone
  • A driver moves at more than 35 miles per hour in a school crossing

Police officers use radar guns to estimate a driver’s speed. If they believe a violation fits within these criteria, they can make an arrest and book a driver at the police station.


These cases are class 3 misdemeanors. A conviction will create a criminal record and could result in a maximum of 30 days in jail and fines up to $500. Our knowledgeable Tolleson attorneys can provide further information on the potential penalties for criminal speeding convictions.


A prosecutor pursuing a criminal speeding case must prove one of the three criteria listed above. A defense against these charges can focus on defeating the specific allegation the prosecutor is attempting to prove.

For example, a criminal speeding case may allege that a driver went more than 20 miles per hour over the speed limit. In these cases, a local speeding lawyer could argue that the police officer misused their radar gun. Other cases allege criminal speeding due to a defendant’s driving location. Here, a criminal speeding lawyer could raise doubts about where the traffic stop occurred and whether the location is appropriate for criminal charges. These strategies could defeat a charge outright or demand that a court treat a speeding incident as a mere violation.


An arrest for criminal speeding is a serious matter. A conviction will create a criminal record that could impact you for years. It is crucial that you approach your case from a position of strength.

Hiring a Tolleson criminal speeding lawyer to protect your rights and freedoms is a step in the right direction. The dedicated attorneys at Grand Canyon Law Group can provide more information about when speeding becomes a criminal offense and how an arrest could affect your life. We can craft a defense to defeat the prosecutor’s allegations in court and protect your future. Call us today to discuss your case.

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