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Tempe Fraud Lawyer

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Tempe Fraud Attorney

While fraud is a non-violent crime, Arizona law enforcement authorities take this charge just as seriously as other types of offenses. Understanding your rights and available defense strategies is crucial to protecting your personal and professional prospects throughout the legal proceedings.

Fortunately, the assistance you need is available from a seasoned Tempe fraud lawyer at Grand Canyon Law Group. We have helped people in similar situations defend their best interests and protect their ways of life. With our capable defense attorneys on your side, you can mitigate the criminal penalties you face and minimize the impact of the charges.


The nature of a fraud charge can vary depending on the specific financial instruments or interests involved, the number and type of people allegedly defrauded, and how elements of the scheme were executed. In general, fraud occurs when all the following statements are true:

  • The defendant made a false statement or misrepresented a material fact
  • The defendant knew or believed their statement was untrue
  • Another person or entity reasonably believed the statement was true and acted upon it accordingly
  • The other person or entity suffered some financial loss or other injury as a direct result of their reliance on the defendant’s untrue statement

In this context, a “material fact” is information directly relevant to the decision-making process for the defrauded individual(s). If someone lies or misrepresents themselves in a way that does not affect any decision made by the alleged victim, that generally means no criminal fraud has occurred. The seasoned fraud attorneys at our firm can further clarify what actions may serve as grounds for criminal prosecution.


Different types of fraud are addressed in different sections of the Arizona Revised Statutes and have different penalties. For example, fraudulent use of a credit card as defined under A.R.S. §13-2105 can be anywhere from a class 1 misdemeanor to a class 5 felony depending on the total value of money, goods, and/or services involved. Knowingly obtaining anything of value through false representation, pretenses, or material omission is a class 2 felony according to A.R.S. §13-2310.

Regardless of the specific fraud charges and statutes involved in a case, successful defense strategies generally involve proving that one or more core elements of the offense were not present. For instance, a skilled attorney might argue that the defendant did not knowingly make a misrepresentation or that no one involved experienced any actual financial loss or gain. The experienced fraud lawyers at our Tempe office can discuss possible approaches in more detail during a confidential consultation.


Allegations of fraud can be challenging to fight back against in court, and fraud cases tend to be lengthy and complex. Achieving a positive resolution could be next to impossible without guidance from a legal representative with a track record of success—like the team at Grand Canyon Law Group.

If you have questions about your rights and legal options, a conversation with a Tempe fraud lawyer could provide the answers and guidance you need. Call today to schedule a meeting with a dedicated member of our firm.

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