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Scottsdale Sex Crimes Lawyer

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Scottsdale Sex Crimes Attorney

Sex crimes are violations of state law that involve conduct of a sexual nature. These offenses may include allegations of lack of consent, force, or underage individuals. No matter the specific allegation, you need representation from a relentless defense attorney to protect against serious consequences. These types of accusations can greatly harm your reputation, as well as require time behind bars and registration as a sex offender.

Let a Scottsdale sex crimes lawyer at our firm handle your case the right way to protect your rights and way of life. The team at the Grand Canyon Law Group is here to fight for your best interests and provide support throughout the legal proceedings.


Sex crimes occur when a sexual act violates the law in some way. There are many forms of sex crimes, including but not limited to:

  • Indecent exposure
  • Prostitution or solicitation
  • Sexual abuse
  • Sexual exploitation of a minor
  • Child molestation
  • Sexual conduct with a minor
  • Child pornography
  • Sexual assault

Prosecutors aggressively pursue these types of cases and may seek harsh penalties. It is critical for those accused of sexual offenses to work with a nearby attorney on a strong defense strategy.


Sex offenses range from misdemeanors with little to no jail time to serious felonies that could lead to decades in prison. Many will also require a person to register as a sexual offender.

In addition to the criminal penalties, a person may face the loss of certain civil rights upon a felony conviction. This includes the right to vote, own a gun, and serve on a jury. They also face the significant social stigma attached to a sex offense conviction. As such, it is crucial for accused individuals to seek help from a Scottsdale sex crimes attorney and fight the charges.


The Arizona Department of Public Safety oversees the Public Services Portal and sex offender compliance. This department provides information concerning the location of sex offenders within the state. Many who are convicted of a sex crime must register as sex offenders and publicly list information such as their address, place of work, and more.

A sex offense conviction may also require a person to report to law enforcement and regularly update their information. This can also greatly restrict where a person can live. Violation any of these registration rules could lead to additional charges.


Due to the severity of these charges, a strong defense is essential to avoid serious penalties. An experienced Scottsdale lawyer could customize a defense strategy to the unique situation. Common defenses to sex charges include:

  • Consent to the sexual act
  • Improper identification
  • Suppression of illegally collected evidence

Those facing sex crimes charges in Scottsdale should consult a knowledgeable attorney to determine an effective defense for their situation.


Every sex crime allegation requires a proper defense to avoid life-altering consequences. You need an experienced attorney at your side who can build a strong defense and protect your civil liberties at every stage of the criminal proceedings.

Speak with a Scottsdale sex crimes lawyer right away to begin building your case. At the Grand Canyon Law Group, we are dedicated to protecting your rights and providing the representation you need. Contact us today.

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