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Scottsdale Marijuana Charges Lawyer

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Scottsdale Marijuana Charges Attorney

For years, Arizona law barred the possession of marijuana under any circumstances. This stance softened following the passage of Proposition 207, which legalized small amounts of the drug for recreational purposes. While this change to the law is significant, pot arrests have not entirely diminished.

If you are currently facing possession charges, a dedicated drug defense attorney is ready to help. At the Grand Canyon Law Group, we understand what it takes to build a winning defense strategy. Talk to our Scottsdale marijuana charges lawyers today to learn about your options.


The law allows for the possession and cultivation of marijuana under minimal circumstances. A person over 18 is authorized to possess as much as one ounce of pot in leaf form so long as it is for personal use. There is no requirement to have a license, and it is not necessary to have a medical prescription. The legal limit increases to two and a half ounces when a person holds a medical marijuana card.

In addition to possessing the drug in leaf form, it is also legal to cultivate a small number of plants for personal use. A single adult can have up to six plants or up to 12 when more than one adult lives on the property.

That said, there is an age limit on marijuana use. A person under the age of 21 is not authorized to possess drugs or cultivate plants under the law. If you or a loved one faces a marijuana charge under these circumstances, a Scottsdale lawyer can help. Contact the Grand Canyon Law Group to learn more.


There are multiple situations where the possession of marijuana can lead to a criminal charge. The traditional drug charges are still relevant outside of owning small amounts of pot for personal use. Our Scottsdale marijuana charges attorneys can help build a winning defense.


The purpose of Proposition 207 was to prevent prosecution over personal use, but there are still steep penalties for trafficking or distributing large amounts of drugs. The state presumes a person holding more than two pounds of marijuana has the intent to distribute it. This can lead to serious criminal consequences.

It is important to note that convictions for possession with the intent to sell are still viable even for defendants with less than two pounds. In these cases, the prosecution can point to additional evidence like scales or baggies to make the case that the substance would likely be sold.

The specific charge associated with this behavior depends on the amount of marijuana in the defendant’s possession. While having two or more pounds is treated as a Class 4 felony, having more than four pounds will bump the case to a Class 2.


While the change to the law has had a significant impact on many people’s lives, little has changed for those younger than 21 years of age. Possessing any quantity of drugs remains a criminal offense for minors, although small amounts are treated as a Class 1 misdemeanor.

In these cases, first-time offenders are often able to avoid jail time with the help of a Scottsdale marijuana charges lawyer, though the same might not be true for multiple offenses. A person under the age of 21 can also face distribution charges, like an adult.


The right defense strategy can help you avoid a conviction if you have been arrested. These cases are serious, and the team at the Grand Canyon Law Group is prepared to aggressively advocate on your behalf. Call a Scottsdale marijuana charges lawyer today for a private consultation and to discuss the potential to build a solid case.

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