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Scottsdale Drug Possession Lawyer

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Scottsdale Drug Possession Attorney

Allegations of drug possession are one of the most common causes of arrest in Scottsdale. Even small amounts of certain controlled substances can lead to serious consequences, so you need to take the accusations seriously. You face even steeper penalties if you have prior convictions for drug possession.

In these situations, your best shot at effectively resolving your case is to work with a seasoned defense attorney. A Scottsdale drug possession lawyer can develop a defense strategy to give you the best shot at an acquittal. Instead of accepting a plea bargain on your own, discuss your options with Grand Canyon Law Group.


To secure a conviction in a drug possession case, the prosecutor must prove possession beyond a reasonable doubt. This can include the possession of any controlled substance, including the following:

  • Heroin
  • Fentanyl
  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Prescription drugs
  • Methamphetamines

One of the crucial things the state must prove is that the accused was in possession of a controlled substance. This could include physical possession, like having it stuffed in their pocket. However, being in control of a drug is also enough to result in a conviction. Examples of being in control of a drug include having it hidden under a bed or locked in a trunk. In other words, the prosecution does not necessarily need to catch the defendant with a controlled substance on their person to secure a conviction.

However, the accused must be knowingly in possession of a controlled substance. It is not a criminal offense to be in possession of a controlled substance without knowing it or to have a drug without recognizing what it is. Our skilled drug possession attorneys in Scottsdale can contest the prosecution’s case to prevent a conviction.


An arrest for drug possession and a conviction are two very different things. The state has a high burden it must prove to secure a conviction. Our Scottsdale drug possession lawyers work tirelessly to hold the prosecution to that high standard. We can use various defense strategies to ensure a favorable outcome and avoid a conviction.


Sometimes, the best defense strategy is to point to the weakness of the state’s case. A savvy local attorney might highlight the state’s lack of evidence and work to get the drug possession charges dropped.


Our Scottsdale defense lawyers commonly cite violations of constitutional rights when defending drug possession cases. Specifically, unlawful searches or seizures could result in a judge throwing out the evidence collected by police.


A prosecutor must show that the defendant intentionally possessed a controlled substance to get a criminal conviction. Grand Canyon Law Group can help beat these charges by showing that the accused was unaware they were in possession of drugs.


Drug possession charges can upend your life in many ways. From facing jail time to being burdened with fines, a conviction could significantly impact your life.

You deserve representation from a Scottsdale drug possession lawyer who knows how to handle your case the right way. The former prosecutors at Grand Canyon Law Group will fight tirelessly for you and your rights. Call our firm today to learn how we can protect your way of life.

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