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Pinal County Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer

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Pinal County Domestic Violence Defense Attorney

Being charged with domestic violence can completely unravel your life as you know it. In many cases, the accusation alone might be enough to cause irreparable harm to everything you hold dear. It can change the way people view you, even lifelong friends and family. It’s a target on your back that may never go away and can affect your professional life, your personal relationships, and more. A Pinal County domestic violence defense lawyer can help.

What Can You Do After a Domestic Violence Charge?

If you ever find yourself being charged with domestic violence, it is vitally important to your case that you reach out to a Pinal County criminal defense lawyer as soon as you can. You are going to want somebody experienced and focused by your side throughout this entire ordeal. The last thing you want is to find yourself unprepared for a legal situation that could derail your life. A domestic violence defense lawyer won’t judge you. They are simply there to help you.

It is crucial that you develop a viable defense strategy with the help of your legal counsel. There is a good chance that should your involvement go public, you may already be convicted in the court of public opinion. Therefore, you need to focus on evidence that backs up your side of the story and create a strong defense that explains the charges being made against you. Remember that your constitutional rights ensure you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Potential Defenses Against Domestic Violence Charges

Upon being arrested for domestic violence, you might feel like you’ve already lost your case in Pinal County, AZ. You could be feeling confused, emotionally exhausted, surprised, and probably quite frustrated at the charges being made against you. That’s understandable, and fighting them should be your next step. With the help of a good defense lawyer, you should start working on a strong defense strategy that tries to challenge the charges.

Here are some possible defenses:

  • Self-Defense: Self-defense is one of the more common defenses you may try to use. It is considered acceptable to use force in an attempt to protect yourself or protect someone else from an attack you perceive to be violent. If you and your lawyer are able to prove that the actions you took were justified as self-defense, it could seriously help your case.
  • False Allegations: Regrettably, there are people out there who falsely accuse others of domestic violence in an attempt to sabotage their reputation and destroy their lives. This is often done out of spite, revenge, self-preservation, and bad blood, among other reasons. If you can successfully prove the accusation against you is wholly false, it will destroy the prosecutor’s case against you.

Contact a Lawyer Today

The legal team at Grand Canyon Law Group understands how difficult it can be to fight charges of domestic violence. If you are unsuccessful, the resulting stigma can ripple through your life and cause you endless pain. It’s important to take care of such charges quickly and quietly, with the help of an experienced defense lawyer. Contact us to speak with a team member about your case and schedule a consultation.

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