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Phoenix Boating DUI Lawyer

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Phoenix Boating DUI Attorney

Many people enjoy responsibly drinking while on Phoenix’s lakes, but state laws prohibit operating a motorized boat. If you were recently arrested for a boating DUI, you can hire a Phoenix boating DUI lawyer to protect your rights and fight your charges.

Anyone caught operating a boat while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or both could face serious criminal consequences. A Phoenix DUI lawyer can review your case to see what errors or mistakes law enforcement may have made during your initial arrest or whether the lab results are reliable, among other legal defenses.

An Overview of Phoenix’s Boating DUI Laws

Anyone who operates a motorized watercraft while under the effects of an intoxicating substance could be charged with a crime under Arizona’s revised statutes. Similar to DUI laws for motor vehicles, Arizona’s boating DUI laws set standards for what blood alcohol content (BAC level) constitutes being over the legal limit.

The law criminalizes anyone found to be intoxicated within two hours of operating a motorized watercraft, meaning you could technically be arrested well after you are done piloting the boat. A conviction typically leads to a Class 1 misdemeanor, although aggravating factors (such as an injury or fatality) could increase the severity of the criminal charge.

In Arizona, a Class 1 misdemeanor, the most serious type of misdemeanor, carries several potential penalties. Offenders can face up to six months in jail and fines of up to $2,500 plus surcharges. Probation of up to three years may also be imposed, along with community service requirements.

Depending on the nature of the offense, additional penalties might include mandatory counseling, alcohol education programs, or restitution to victims. The exact penalties can vary based on the specifics of the case, the offender’s prior criminal history, and the discretion of the judge.

Although jail time is a possible punishment for anyone convicted of this crime, a judge could waive jailing for a first-time offender, often in lieu of probation or another form of punishment.

Possible Defenses for Boating DUI Charges

One of the first areas a criminal defendant may look into is the circumstances that led up to the arrest. An attorney can establish whether the arresting officer had jurisdiction to make that arrest. A lawyer can also look into whether their client’s rights were violated during the rest.

Field sobriety tests are not standardized, which allows a skilled defense attorney to challenge their credibility. When these tests are administered on open water, their reliability can be questioned in court due to the subjective nature of their interpretation.

If a breathalyzer or other testing device was used, the machine must be properly calibrated. An attorney can look into the maintenance and testing history behind any device that was used to test you for alcohol. Any evidence that can be barred from your case can help you immensely.

If prosecutors do not have sufficient evidence to continue pressing charges against you, your attorney can work to have your charges dropped. Mitigating circumstances could prompt prosecutors to seek a reduced criminal charge. One example would be if you did not intend to pilot the boat but had to after the operator became sick or incapacitated.

Even when the charges cannot be altered, you may be able to greatly reduce the penalties you face by accepting a plea deal. These agreements are negotiated between defense attorneys and prosecutors.

In return for a reduced sentence, you may be given the option of pleading guilty to the crime you are charged with or a lesser crime. That decision can have lasting consequences, so your attorney will carefully advise you which options serve your interests.

Benefits of Hiring a Boating DUI Attorney

It may be tempting to think that you can save money by representing yourself in court, but that could be a serious mistake. Defendants who go pro se risk self-incriminating themselves. Anything that you say is not privileged information, and prosecutors would be all too happy to see you slip up and say something that could be used against you.

Without an attorney, you also risk missing an important hearing or bond supervision meeting. Missing anything required by the courts could lead to you being re-arrested. In some cases, your bail may be raised, making it more difficult for you to stay out of jail while your case is pending.

A Phoenix criminal defense lawyer can help you navigate the often complicated and intimidating criminal justice system. A lawyer who has experience defending clients facing boating DUI charges understands the applicable laws and legal strategies that can lead to the charges being dropped or reduced to a lesser charge.

In cases where it serves your interest to agree to some level of guilt, your attorney can work to minimize the penalties that you are facing. The vast majority of cases are settled through a process known as plea bargaining. If prosecutors offer a favorable offer in return for an admittance of that, that may offer one way for you to put the entire ordeal behind you.

If the evidence tied to your case proves that you did not commit the crime you are charged with, your attorney can work to have the charges dropped. If needed, your lawyer can make the case for your innocence before a judge or jury.

Phoenix Boating DUI FAQs

Q: How Much Does a DUI Lawyer Cost in Phoenix?

A: A DUI lawyer charges fees commensurate with their years of experience. Attorneys who have successfully helped clients resolve their cases on favorable terms typically charge higher flat fees or hourly fees than an attorney who is less experienced in representing clients. An attorney who charges an hourly rate will typically ask for an upfront fee, known as a retainer. Once this lump sum has been exhausted, you will need to pay another retainer for continued legal services.

Q: Is It Worth Getting a Lawyer for DUI in Arizona?

A: Hiring an attorney is not cheap, but the long-term benefits often greatly outweigh the short-term costs. Having any type of DUI on your record can make finding gainful employment more difficult. Although a motorboat DUI is not the same criminal charge as a vehicular DUI, a criminal conviction can give the appearance that you are not safe to operate any type of vehicle in Phoenix, AZ.

A criminal record can also have consequences if you are ever arrested again. A lawyer can fight your charges and work to reduce the criminal penalties that you are facing.

Q: Can a DUI Be Dismissed in Phoenix, AZ?

A: Any criminal charge can be dismissed if the defendant’s attorney presents exculpatory evidence that shows their client did not commit the crime they are charged with. A DUI attorney can have your charges dismissed if the BAC evidence was taken unlawfully.

Someone who has a medical condition that gives the outward appearance of intoxication could argue that they were not intoxicated at the time they were charged with a DUI in Phoenix city.

Q: What Is the Punishment for a First-Time DUI Offender in Arizona?

A: A first-time boating DUI is typically charged as a Class 1 misdemeanor. Depending on the facts of your case, your attorney may be able to have the charges dropped or reduced.

If you are convicted of a misdemeanor and it is your first offense, your attorney can work to persuade the judge that probation would be a more appropriate sentence than jail time. Ultimately, the decision is up to the judge.

Schedule Your Boating DUI Consultation Today

If you were charged with a boating DUI in Phoenix, you need legal representation. The consequences of a boating DUI conviction could be significant. With an experienced criminal defense attorney by your side, you can change the narrative about what happened the day you were arrested. Law enforcement cannot violate your rights when stopping your boat on open water.

The attorneys at Grand Canyon Law Group have helped many Phoenix clients resolve their criminal charges with favorable outcomes. We can do the same for you. Call us today to schedule your boating DUI consultation.

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