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Peoria Traffic Ticket Lawyer

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Peoria Traffic Ticket Attorney

Most people view traffic tickets as temporary nuisances that go away once they pay the fine. However, the Arizona Motor Vehicle Department (MVD) keeps track of every ticket you pay off—which, in their eyes, is the same as pleading guilty to the offense in court. The MVD has the authority to impose significant penalties against you if you commit too many offenses within a specific time period.

In some cases, you may need to fight back against a traffic violation with help from a skilled attorney to protect your best interests. When you face driving allegations, consult a Peoria traffic lawyer at Grand Canyon Law Group to learn your legal options.


Like most states, Arizona tracks moving violations committed by licensed drivers on state roads through a “points system.” This essentially involves a point value for each traffic offense recorded on the driver’s license. While most minor offenses are worth two points under the current system, the following offenses are worth more:

  • Speeding – three points
  • Parking or driving in the gore area of any road – three points
  • Causing serious injury by failing to stop or yield – four points
  • Causing a fatality by failing to stop or yield – six points
  • Hit and run – six points
  • Aggressive driving or reckless driving – eight points
  • Any form of driving under the influence (DUI) – eight points

Anyone with eight or more points assessed within 12 months may be subject to mandatory completion of Traffic Survival School or a one-year suspension of their driver’s license. Furthermore, anyone with 24 or more points assessed against them within 36 months will face a year-long license suspension.

Additionally, license suspensions stemming from DUI convictions cannot be avoided through Traffic Survival School, and slightly harsher standards apply to commercial drivers. A Peoria traffic attorney at our firm can further explain how this system works during a private initial consultation.


If someone has no traffic convictions on their record within the past 12 months before a new offense, they may be able to avoid pleading guilty and having points assessed on their license by participating in defensive driving school. However, individuals with multiple convictions within one year or those accused of more serious offenses are not eligible.

In these circumstances, requesting a civil traffic hearing by filing a motion by mail or appearing in court to plea in person may be necessary. A skilled local traffic lawyer can help with these proceedings, including during the appeals process, if an initial hearing is unfavorable for the defendant.


Fighting a traffic ticket can be deceptively complex and stressful, especially if you are not well-prepared for every stage of the proceedings. Your best bet at achieving a positive case result is to work with a Peoria traffic lawyer experienced in defending people in your situation.

The dedicated legal professionals at Grand Canyon Law Group have a track record of success defending against driving-related charges. A conversation with our legal team could provide much-needed clarity about your rights and options following a traffic stop. Call today to schedule a meeting.

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