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New River Criminal Defense Lawyer

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New River Criminal Defense Attorney

Every person who has been arrested by law enforcement needs to act quickly to protect themselves. Whether the allegations in the case involve a misdemeanor or felony, a conviction could impact every part of your life. Beyond a potential jail sentence and fines, you face a criminal record that can hurt your prospects for years to come.

Hiring a New River criminal defense lawyer can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. The skilled attorneys at Grand Canyon Law Group work to ensure that you understand your case and what a prosecutor needs to prove. We also aim to understand your goals and create a plan to achieve them.


All criminal charges are serious matters that demand a person’s full attention. However, state law separates criminal matters into two main categories: misdemeanors and felonies. The category under which a person’s case falls determines the potential severity of a conviction.


Misdemeanors are the less serious of the two options. These are cases where a conviction can result in a maximum of six months in jail, a fine of up to $2,500, or both. Examples of misdemeanors include:

While a misdemeanor conviction may not seem serious, it may result in a jail sentence. And a conviction will create a criminal record that could impact every aspect of a person’s life.


Felonies are more serious allegations. Under state law, a felony conviction can result in at least one year in prison. Depending upon mitigating and aggravating circumstances, the penalties for convictions can differ significantly from case to case. It is crucial to work with a local attorney skilled at defending against felony charges, such as:

No matter the exact nature of an allegation, a New River criminal attorney strives to create an effective defense and mitigate the potential penalties.


Strategies following an arrest in New River typically involve two main options. For many, working toward a fair plea deal is the best choice. Here, a criminal defense attorney can work with prosecutors to discuss the matter and come to an agreement on what punishment best fits the offense. In many cases, this is a way to avoid jail time or other severe penalties that may come from a conviction.

Alternatively, some people will want to fight the charges at every opportunity. This can involve filing motions to exclude evidence, questioning the legality of police work that led to an arrest, and presenting information before juries that creates reasonable doubt and may lead to an acquittal. A New River lawyer is ready to discuss what defense strategy best fits the circumstances and fight for a positive outcome.


Everyone has the right to stand up for themselves against allegations of wrongdoing. If you are arrested or accused of a crime, you deserve legal representation to protect your rights and give you the best chance of success.

Hiring a New River criminal defense lawyer to handle your case is the first step toward a favorable resolution. The legal team at Grand Canyon Law Group works to explain the law, explore your options moving forward, and fight for your rights during all court sessions. Reach out to us today to get started.

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