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Mesa Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal charges can have significant and devastating consequences. The often lengthy and uncertain legal process can put your entire life on hold. Obtaining legal counsel is the best way of ensuring that these allegations have a minimal impact on your way of life both during the process and in your life after the process is complete.

Do not let the clock wind down while the state builds its case against you. Partnering with the right Mesa criminal defense lawyer will empower you to defend your rights and your freedom. Work with the experienced team of former prosecutors at Grand Canyon Law Group for relentless and dedicated representation in Mesa, Gilbert, and anywhere else in the state.

Classifications of Crimes In Mesa, AZ

Criminal charges are divided into two primary categories: misdemeanors and felonies. Misdemeanors are typically lesser crimes and have less severe penalties. Felonies are more severe crimes that typically require prison time of at least a year.

Both crimes bear serious consequences on a person’s life, but it is helpful to understand their differences. While misdemeanors may be less severe on the surface, it is still crucial for the future of those facing these charges to hire a skilled Gilbert criminal defense lawyer who is well-versed in the local criminal system.

What we see too often is someone handling a misdemeanor charge without an attorney, only later to learn some of the terrible consequences to their life. There are two important points to consider:

  • The prosecutor is not on your side. They are not your attorney and are not required to explain all the consequences of your guilty plea.
  • Many people are surprised to learn that in Mesa, you are not entitled to a free or court-appointed attorney in many misdemeanor cases. Going it alone can have truly horrible long-term effects on your life.


Misdemeanors include DUI, criminal or excessive speed or racing, assault, disorderly conduct, criminal damage, criminal trespass, public urination, theft, littering, domestic violence violations, possession of drug paraphernalia, some gun or firearm offenses, and many other offenses. While there are many different misdemeanors, they fall into three different classes or levels.

  • Class III misdemeanors are considered the least serious. However, a class III misdemeanor can still require up to 30 days in jail, a $500 fine, and a maximum of one year of probation.
  • Class II misdemeanors are considered more serious and may result in up to four months of jail time in addition to a $750 fine and a maximum of two years of probation. Crimes like reckless driving fall under this category.
  • Crimes such as DUI, assault, and theft typically fall under class I, the most serious and most common type of misdemeanors. Class I misdemeanors carry up to six months in jail in addition to maximum fines of $2500 and three years of probation. Some have their own specific minimums of jail as well, such as prostitution and DUI.

Felony Charges

Felony offenses are considered the most serious of crimes. Much like misdemeanors, Arizona defines felonies by multiple classes. There are six classes or levels of felony offenses. Federal offenses are categorized differently.

The potential jail and prison sentences can be much more significant than misdemeanors. Sentences can range from a few months to decades, and convictions for certain offenses may even lead to life without the ability to seek parole. The Mesa criminal defense attorneys at Grand Canyon Law Group are experts in the sentencing schemes of the criminal justice system and can help you understand what you are up against. Just because you face a certain prison or jail sentence, does not mean that is what you will serve. We will work to reduce, dismiss, and mitigate custody time in your case.

Under ARS §13-801 and §13-803, felonies can carry fines up to $150,000, plus court-mandated surcharges. Felony convictions can have profound effects on a person’s ability to obtain employment, housing, credit, and even government services. It can ruin a person’s reputation and can affect family relationships and friendships.

When the stakes are this high, it is critical to seek the right legal representation. There is a difference between firms. The Mesa and Gilbert defense lawyers at Grand Canyon Law Group are led by a team of former prosecutors. We have a proven track record of excellent results and happy clients.

How A Mesa Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help

Criminal cases are complicated and often lengthy. They begin with charges which can lead to arraignments and full-blown trials. The state dedicates significant resources to build cases against people charged with crimes, both misdemeanors and felonies.

However, hiring a criminal defense attorney presents the best opportunity to successfully defend against charges and protect one’s future. An experienced Mesa criminal defense attorney at our firm can challenge the state’s case, present new evidence and mitigating factors, and negotiate pleas bargains when necessary. Finally, it is vital to have an attorney with extensive trial experience so that you have the best chance at success if the case goes to trial.

Expertise and knowledge of the law is an invaluable resource when defending a criminal case. But even more, this is often a lonely and foreign process. Your Gilbert lawyer must be someone you can trust and rely on. A friend you can count on to tell you the truth and give you expert advice born of years of experience in the trenches of criminal law. Having the right legal counsel allows a person charged with a crime to make informed decisions and not give in to invalid charges.

Call A Mesa Criminal Defense Attorney Now

If you are resident of Mesa and have been charged with a crime, then time is of the essence. At Grand Canyon Law Group, we know how devastating a criminal charge can be. We are former prosecutors, now dedicated defense attorneys, with significant understanding of how the prosecution works and how to fight it. Call our office and talk to an experienced Mesa criminal defense lawyer about how we can protect your rights.

Schedule A Consultation With The Grand Canyon Attorney Who Can Help