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Maricopa Homicide Attorney

Few situations in your life can have higher stakes than a homicide charge. Being charged with killing another person could result in consequences that could completely ruin the trajectory of your life. It’s essentially the most serious charge someone can face, with a conviction that could result in life in prison or even execution. It is vital that you take control of the situation early on and fight for your innocence. A Maricopa homicide lawyer can help you figure out a valid plan.

Homicide Charges in Maricopa, Arizona

Homicide is the legal term that encompasses various versions of situations where one person causes the intentional death of another. Arizona has four primary types of homicide that are prosecuted in the state, with virtually every case falling under one of the four categories. A Maricopa criminal defense lawyer can help you build a strong defense against any of the four possible categories.

It’s important to understand how each one is considered a form of murder:

  1. Manslaughter: Manslaughter is the murder of another person through reckless actions. It can be a crime of passion, where your emotions get the better of you, and you react too strongly, resulting in someone’s death. Manslaughter could also include providing a suicidal person with a weapon knowing their intentions, killing somebody under threat of violence from someone else, or causing a fatal car accident while drunk in Maricopa, AZ.
  2. Negligent homicide: In a case of negligent homicide, one person causes the death of somebody else through a criminally negligent act. Negligent homicide is often equated to manslaughter, but the two situations have one glaring difference. A negligent homicide requires a degree of reckless behavior that manslaughter does not. In negligent homicide, the alleged suspect breaches an established duty of care.
  3. Second-degree Murder: While both first and second-degree murder are considered heinous crimes that result in substantial penalties, there is one significant difference between the two charges. That difference is premeditation. Second-degree murder is never planned. By definition, it can’t be. It just happens with very little thought behind it. A second-degree murder is done with malicious intent, but it wasn’t planned.
  4. First-degree Murder: A case of first-degree murder was completely planned and premeditated. Such a case is punishable by death or life in prison in Arizona, depending on the details of the case and whether a plea deal is in place. This kind of murder is intentional, thought out, and arguably the worst version of a homicide charge you could face.

Reach Out to a Homicide Lawyer Today

Being charged with homicide is no laughing matter. The consequences for not taking a homicide charge seriously could very well mean your own life is on the line. It is vital to your own survival that you reach out to an experienced homicide lawyer and start working on a strong defense strategy.

The legal team at Grand Canyon Law Group knows the kind of legal help you are going to need to fight these charges. We can help you build up your case, gather evidence through our own investigation, and protect your interests from start to finish. Contact us today to speak with a team member about your case.

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