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Glendale Protective Orders Lawyer

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Glendale Protective Orders Attorney

Protective orders, sometimes called restraining orders, are legal requirements to stay away from another person. Judges issue protective orders when a petitioner convinces the court that someone threatens their safety.

Contact a dedicated attorney immediately if you were served with a protective order. You can fight the order but must strictly comply until the judge lifts or modifies it. Failing to abide by a valid protective order is a criminal offense. A Glendale protective orders lawyer at Grand Canyon Law Group could contest the basis for the order. Once the judge hears your side of the story, they could modify, limit, or withdraw it.


There are several kinds of protective orders. The most common is one a person seeks against their spouse or romantic partner. These often occur before or during divorce or child custody proceedings.

The order might bar someone from contacting the petitioner or other household members, coming within a specific distance of the petitioner’s home, or contacting them by any means, including texts, social media, or third parties. If the petitioner and the subject of the order live together, the subject could be locked out of their home and denied access to their children. A protective order usually requires the subject of the order to surrender their guns.

Judges also issue protective orders to people claiming that someone is stalking or harassing them at work. Our skilled Glendale attorneys could take action to limit or lift any kind of protective order.


Someone seeking a protective order files a petition with a local court. The petitioner describes the violent incident or threatening situation that made them fear the subject of the requested order. If the judge believes the petitioner has reasonable cause to be fearful, they issue an ex parte temporary order, meaning the order was issued without notice to the other party.

The temporary order must be served on the subject before it goes into effect. The court will schedule a hearing within 15 days so the subject of the order can present their side to the court. They could contest the order entirely or ask the judge to modify certain aspects.

An experienced lawyer at our firm could appear at the hearing and argue that the protective order is unjustified. Depending on the circumstances, we could show the petitioner exaggerated or lied about a situation to gain an advantage in a divorce proceeding or obtain some other benefit.


The subject of a protective order must comply with it even when it is unjustified, unfair, and causes hardship. Our attorneys in Glendale could review a protective order and answer any questions about what conduct is prohibited.

Violating a court order is a separate crime of interfering with the judicial process, defined under Arizona Revised Statute §13-2810. This is a Class 1 misdemeanor and could lead to up to a year in jail.

When someone violates a protective order, they could face judicial interference charges in addition to any other charges related to the conduct. Apart from criminal consequences, violating a protective order could significantly impact divorce or child custody proceedings. It also could affect the person’s employment and housing opportunities, professional licensing, and immigration status.


A protective order could significantly impact your freedom, reputation, and way of life. If you have children protected under the order, you might be unable to contact them while it is in effect.

Work with a Glendale protective orders lawyer to take action against unfounded or exaggerated claims. There is little time to prepare for a hearing, so call Grand Canyon Law Group today to get started.

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