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Diversion Programs In Glendale

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The Attorney’s Office for Maricopa County oversees various Diversion Programs to rehabilitate people charged with criminal offenses. These programs work to minimize their risk of re-offending and maximize their chances of becoming productive citizens. Currently, programs are available for felony and misdemeanor crimes, as well as various specialized programs to address unique types of criminal offenses.

However, participation in diversion programs in Glendale is by application only, and there are several criteria that prospective participants must meet before they are accepted. The knowledgeable attorneys at Grand Canyon Law Group can provide an overview of the programs you could apply to after an arrest. We are here to help explore every option for protecting your future.


In May 2020, Maricopa County launched a new Felony Diversion Program to help people charged with felony drug possession offenses who otherwise had minimal criminal history. There are numerous treatment tracks tailored to individual participants, each of which may involve both individual and group counseling as well as consistent drug testing. Those who successfully complete this program are eligible to have their charges dismissed and avoid having a permanent felony record.

There are also special Felony Diversion Programs designed for people with serious mental illnesses or developmental disabilities and people who participated in certain acts of animal cruelty. Currently, a pilot program helps those charged with felony child abuse, neglect, or endangerment who also have serious problems with opioid addiction and abuse. Our experienced local attorneys can review these diversion program options for those charged with felony offenses.


The primary diversion program for people charged with misdemeanor offenses in Glendale is the Justice Court Diversion Program, which began in 2008 and was recently enhanced by the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office. Following an intake appointment, participants are generally placed into either a cognitive skills or substance use class that runs for eight hours. This course is designed to promote accountability while also helping participants understand and change their behavior.

Additionally, first-time offenders charged with child abuse that was unlikely to cause serious or fatal physical injury may be eligible for a Parenting Skills Diversion Program built around group counseling sessions and developing self-control and anger management. Individuals accused of domestic violence may be eligible for the Domestic Violence Excessive Response Diversion Program, which addresses consistent excessive responses to intimate partners and help improve self-regulation. The skilled Glendale lawyers at our firm have helped many people accused of misdemeanor crimes gain acceptance into these programs.


Glendale residents under 18 years old who are charged with juvenile offenses may be eligible for participation in the Juvenile Diversion Program overseen by the Maricopa County Juvenile Probation Department. This program is meant for juveniles dealing with their first drug-related offense or their first or second offense of any other kind. Completing a department-ordered consequence—usually decided in a meeting with a Juvenile Probation Officer and contingent on the juvenile accepting guilt for their actions—will result in the charges not being filed in court. As our attorneys can attest, diversion programs in Glendale can offer a crucial chance for young people to protect their futures.


It is worth emphasizing that participation in a Diversion Program as an alternative to criminal prosecution is far from guaranteed. If accepted into such a program, you must comply with strict restrictions and regulations. Any failure to complete the program could lead to you facing prosecution and serious criminal sanctions.

That said, effectively using diversion programs in Glendale can be vital to keeping your life on track. At Grand Canyon Law Group, we believe you have a way of life worth saving. Call us today to discuss your options.

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