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Glendale Child Endangerment Lawyer

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Glendale Child Endangerment Attorney

Some of the most severe criminal accusations a person may face are those that allege placing a child in danger. In some scenarios, police or prosecutors believe that a person’s reckless behavior has put a child in danger of harm even though a defendant did not intend to hurt the child. Other cases revolve around allegations of intentional child abuse.

If you are facing these serious charges, you need a Glendale child endangerment lawyer on your side. The dedicated attorneys at Grand Canyon Law Group can fight the core charges in the case and the restraining orders that typically follow these accusations. We are here to protect you and your relationship with your family.


Many accusations of allowing a child to come to harm allege that a person acted intentionally. These fall under the category of child abuse under Arizona Revised Statute § 13-3623. Here, a prosecutor must prove that a parent or caretaker acted or failed to act in a way that allowed a child to suffer physical injury or be in a dangerous situation. These cases can range from Class 2 to Class 4 felonies. In every example, a conviction will result in a mandatory-minimum prison sentence, even with no prior felony record.

It is important to recognize that child endangerment allegations may result even if a person did not act intentionally to harm a child. Additionally, prosecutors may pursue charges under the state’s reckless endangerment statute, AZ Rev. Stat. § 13-1201, which states that it is illegal to take any reckless action that places another at imminent risk of harm. This applies regardless of the alleged victim’s age. A Glendale child endangerment attorney can provide further information about any pending criminal charge.


Accusations that a driver has endangered the welfare of a child are serious matters. Convictions are misdemeanors that can result in the payment of fines or up to one year in jail. However, other examples of incidents are felonies that come with life-altering consequences.

It is vital to build a defense against these charges as soon as possible. Our skilled local attorneys can fight against the allegations of abuse or neglect. This may include contesting a police officer’s observations during a traffic stop or debating whether a child was ever in a dangerous situation.

A Glendale lawyer at Grand Canyon Law Group can also work to defeat a child endangerment charge using various legal defenses. Our child endangerment lawyers will work to develop a defense that fits each person’s specific needs.


Any charge alleging child endangerment is a serious matter that can impact every aspect of your life. A conviction will result in the creation of a criminal record, and many of these cases are felonies that come with mandatory minimum prison sentences.

A Glendale child endangerment lawyer is here to prevent these outcomes. The team at Grand Canyon Law Group can work to explain the child endangerment laws and the potential consequences of a conviction. We will fight to protect your rights, discover powerful evidence, and find weaknesses in the prosecution’s case. Reach out to our former prosecutors, now dedicated defense lawyers, to learn more.

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