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Glendale Burglary Lawyer

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Glendale Burglary Attorney

As the burglary laws in Arizona establish, it is always illegal to enter a building without permission to commit a criminal act. The law allows for convictions even if the person entering the building does not actually carry out the criminal act in question. You could be arrested on the mere allegation that you planned to commit an offense.

This means that burglary charges can result from a wide range of scenarios. In all examples, convictions are felonies that come with mandatory-minimum prison sentences, making it crucial to work with a Glendale burglary lawyer on your defense. The skilled attorneys at Grand Canyon Law Group are ready to explain the state’s burglary laws, evaluate the facts that led to an arrest, and develop a defense that helps you avoid these harsh penalties.


In general, a burglary case involves allegations that a person entered a building with the intent to commit a crime while inside. However, the severity of these allegations depends on the type of building involved and any items the defendant has in their possession at the time of entry.


Many burglaries fall under the umbrella of burglary in the third degree. According to Arizona Revised Statute § 13-1506, this offense involves entry into a non-residential building or fenced area. Convictions here are Class 4 felonies. This means that even if a person has no prior felony convictions and mitigating factors exist, a judge must sentence them to at least one year in prison upon conviction. Aggravating factors may extend the sentence to as long as 3.75 years.


Second-degree burglaries are defined under AZ Rev. Stat. § 13-1507. These involve situations where the building in question is a residential structure. These are Class 3 felonies with a sentencing range of two to 8.75 years in prison.


The most severe examples of this offense are first-degree burglaries. Under AZ Rev. Stat. § 13-1508, this is a Class 2 felony where convictions bring a sentence of between three and 12.5 years. This applies when someone allegedly commits a burglary while carrying a deadly item, weapon, or explosive. A seasoned Glendale attorney can provide further information about the levels of burglary charges under state law.


A key concept in any burglary case is the idea that a defendant intended to commit a crime while inside the building. If a prosecutor cannot prove intent, the case will downgrade to a simple example of trespassing.

Prosecutors may attempt to prove intent in many ways. They may point to items a person carried when entering the building, such as rope, a sack, or a weapon. They may also examine a person’s phone records, text messages, and emails to try to show that they planned the entry with another person or for a specific reason.

Our local burglary lawyers aim to create reasonable doubt concerning a defendant’s state of mind in Glendale burglary cases. This could help reduce a case from a felony to a misdemeanor or even bring an outright acquittal.


Burglary charges allege that a person has entered a building without the owner’s permission with the intent to commit a crime while inside. The severity of the charge will depend on the type of building involved and whether the defendant carried a weapon or other dangerous item during entry. In all examples, a burglary conviction is a felony with mandatory prison time.

Contact a Glendale burglary lawyer today to begin discussing your defense strategy. At Grand Canyon Law Group, we believe you have a way of life worth protecting. Our legal team is here to listen to your side of the story and fight tirelessly for your rights. Give us a call today.

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