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Gilbert Underage DUI Lawyer

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Gilbert Underage DUI Attorney

The state’s prohibition on driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol applies to everyone, regardless of age. However, it is possible for people over the age of 21 to consume limited amounts of alcohol and drive without violating the law. The state’s upper limits on blood alcohol content make this possible.

However, there is no such flexibility for people under the age of 21. It is against the law for anyone under the age of 21 to consume any amount of alcohol and get behind the wheel of a vehicle. As a result, underage people charged with DUI may face prosecution under multiple state laws.

A Gilbert underage DUI lawyer can help young people fight against these allegations. Let the dedicated attorneys at Grand Canyon Law Group work tirelessly to protect your freedom, future, and way of life.


State law strictly forbids the consumption of alcohol for anyone under 21. People who violate this law may face minor accusations in court, where convictions result in little more than a fine. However, if people under 21 consume alcohol and get behind the wheel of a car, the situation becomes more serious.

Arizona Revised Statute § 4-244(34) is the state’s law concerning underage DUIs. The statute says it is against the law for people under 21 to have any amount of alcohol in their bodies. If a police officer makes a traffic stop and believes that a person has consumed any alcoholic beverage, they can make an arrest. Similarly, any blood or breath test that indicates the slightest intoxication will also result in an arrest.

The potential consequences of these arrests are severe. Under state law, these cases are misdemeanors. However, convictions can result in a jail sentence of up to 180 days, a two-year loss of license, and fines of at least $500. A Gilbert underage DUI attorney can work to help accused individuals prevent these penalties.


While the strict prohibition on the consumption of alcohol applies only to people under 21, the state’s core DUI laws apply to everyone. In many cases involving underage drivers, a prosecutor may file charges under multiple statutes.

The dedicated lawyers at our firm are also ready to provide defenses against common DUI charges. This includes contesting the reason for the traffic stop that led to the arrest, calling a police officer’s recollection of a driver’s state into question, and disputing the results of blood or alcohol tests.

Contesting these charges is vital to protecting a young person’s future. A DUI conviction comes with a mandatory jail sentence, a 90-day minimum loss of license, and fines over $1,250 for a first conviction. These penalties can be in addition to any punishment that a court issues for an underage drinking conviction. The underage DUI lawyers at Grand Canyon Law Group are ready to defend both charges when needed.


The law in Arizona says that it is a violation for anyone to drive a vehicle with a blood alcohol level of .08 percent or more. This applies regardless of a person’s age. However, a separate law says it is against the law for anyone under the age of 21 to consume any alcohol and then get behind the wheel. This separate criminal charge can have long-lasting consequences after a conviction.

A Gilbert underage DUI lawyer at our firm can help you fight against these accusations and protect your way of life. Contact Grand Canyon Law Group today to learn how we can work for you.

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