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Gilbert Sexual Abuse Lawyer

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Gilbert Sexual Abuse Attorney

When facing sexual abuse charges, you need a thorough and competent legal defense. Not only could a sexual abuse conviction lead to jail time and fines, but it could also have a long-term impact on your rights, reputation, and opportunities.

A Gilbert sexual abuse lawyer can help you understand the potential penalties in your case and explain the complexities of the applicable laws. The dedicated attorneys at Grand Canyon Law Group can also outline your options for defense and fight to protect your rights throughout the proceedings.


Under Arizona law, sexual abuse involves purposefully making sexual contact with or touching someone 15 or older without their consent. Multiple acts would be considered sexual contact, including touching the genitalia, breast, or anus or using an object. A person can also be charged with sexual abuse if they purposefully engage in sexual touching with someone younger than 15 when the physical contact pertains to the breast.

Even if the alleged victim gave their permission for the sexual touching to occur, this is not an affirmative defense to sexual abuse charges if the individual was under 18 and the alleged offender was in a position of trust (i.e., a teacher or coach). When facing any allegations of sexual abuse, it is vital to seek counsel from a skilled lawyer at our firm as soon as possible.


The consequences associated with a sexual abuse conviction depend on several factors, including:

  • How the alleged offense is charged
  • Whether the accused has a prior criminal record
  • The age of the alleged victim
  • The presence of any aggravating or mitigating factors

Aggravating factors can increase the consequences associated with a particular charge, while mitigating factors may lessen the sentencing outcome of the offense.

In Arizona, sexual abuse is generally categorized as a Class 5 felony. However, if the alleged victim were younger than 15 when the incident occurred, the crime would be charged as a Class 3 felony. A first-time conviction for a Class 5 felony can carry a prison sentence of up to four years. However, a conviction for sexual abuse classified as a Class 3 felony, which can be considered a dangerous crime against a child, can lead to decades in prison, depending on the alleged victim’s age and the accused’s criminal record. When the stakes are this high, representation from a Gilbert sex abuse lawyer is essential.


Our Gilbert lawyers could explore various defense strategies against a sexual abuse charge. Examples of potential defenses to a sexual abuse charge can include wrongful accusation of a crime or a case of mistaken identity.

Sometimes, it may be possible to show that the contact was consensual and occurred with a legal adult. The specific defense strategy for any sexual abuse charge will depend on the evidence and facts of the case.


Arizona law allows courts to consider many factors in levying sentences for sex crimes. The potential outcome of your case can be shaped significantly by the quality of your legal representation. You need a Gilbert sexual abuse lawyer with experience successfully handling these cases to fight for your future.

Grand Canyon Law Group can identify the most effective defense strategies and tactics to deploy in and outside the courtroom. To speak with a lawyer about your charges and learn how we can protect your way of life, call now and set up your confidential legal consultation.

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