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Gilbert Firearm Transportation Lawyer

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Gilbert Firearm Transportation Attorney

There are regulations covering every aspect of gun ownership, including travel. State and federal law might impact transporting firearms in Gilbert, but you generally have options available. Problems arise mainly when an individual carries a weapon to a prohibited location.

Violating gun transport laws can have serious consequences, including the potential for jail time. You have the right to defend yourself when accused of a gun offense, and a respected firearm defense attorney from the Grand Canyon Law Group is here to help.


The law is relatively lax in Gilbert regarding the transport of firearms. For the most part, a person has the right to carry a firearm so long as they are at least 18 years old and have not been convicted of a felony. For someone between the ages of 18 and 20, the weapon must be visible to the public, known as open carry.

Anyone 21 and older can choose to carry a concealed weapon. Unlike many other jurisdictions, there is no license requirement for having a gun either visible or hidden on a person’s body.

These laws extend to a gun owner’s vehicle while driving. If they are allowed to possess a weapon—either openly or when concealed—that right also applies to the inside of their car or truck. When the owner leaves the vehicle—even monetarily—any weapons must be locked up and out of view of the public. For motorcyclists, this means secured in a locked compartment.


While transporting firearms in Gilbert is lawful, there are situations where a person’s intent can get them into trouble, including when trafficking occurs. Gun trafficking involves carrying or supplying weapons with the knowledge that they are likely to be used in a crime, such as a robbery. State law applies here, but the accused can face federal charges if they cross into or out of Arizona’s borders in the process.


Although firearms can be carried in most public places, some limits apply to private property. Even then, transporting firearms in specific Gilbert locations is still allowed, even if it is privately owned.

The most important limitations to be aware of involve where a person can park their car and leave their firearms stored within. For example, a private business may ban weapons from designated parking areas—but only if the company provides firearm storage onsite.

Private property owners can also limit the transport of firearms when it involves residences. Specifically, a person may store their weapon in their car unless it is at the home of a single-family, owner-occupied residence. If you face charges related to storing a weapon in a prohibited area, the Grand Canyon Law Group is ready to advocate on your behalf.


If you have been accused of violating the law while transporting firearms in Gilbert, it can be in your best interest to seek out legal counsel. The lawyers of the Grand Canyon Law Group are ready to serve as your advocate. Our team can develop a solid strategy to help make your case successful. Call as soon as possible for a private consultation.

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