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Citrus Park Solicitation Lawyer

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Citrus Park Solicitation Attorney

The laws in Arizona strictly prohibit selling sex for anything of value. While this may seem to target those selling sexual services, buying these services (also known as solicitation) is just as serious an offense. However, state law does not contain specific prohibitions that carry the label of “solicitation.” Instead, people who face allegations of buying sex will face charges under the umbrella of prostitution.

To protect your rights and reputation against these accusations, contact a Citrus Park solicitation lawyer. At Grand Canyon Law Group, our skilled attorneys know how to handle these cases the right way. We will work to refute the idea that a sexual encounter carried an expectation of economic exchange or dispute the idea that there was an encounter at all.


In general, the concept of solicitation in criminal law means enticing another to commit a crime. This can be done through the payment of money or the exchange of services.

More specifically, the solicitation of a prostitute is a criminal offense. However, state law does not use this term to define the act. Instead, people facing accusations of hiring another person to commit a sexual act will face prosecution under Arizona Revised Statute § 13-3214, the state’s prostitution law. This means that both parties to an act could face similar consequences.

It is important to note that sexual intercourse does not need to occur for an arrest. The statute defines prostitution as any sexual act in exchange for anything of value. This means that police may make an arrest after an exchange of a cell phone or after sex acts not involving intercourse. Additionally, the mere attempt to commit or offering to commit an act of solicitation can lead to an arrest. A Citrus Park solicitation attorney can further clarify how state law deals with these accusations.


State law classifies many examples of solicitation and prostitution as class 1 misdemeanors. This means that a conviction can result in a maximum of six months in jail, a fine of $2,500, or both. However, the same statute also says that any conviction under the prostitution statute comes with a 15-day minimum jail sentence. Because the law handles allegations of solicitation under the prostitution statute, any conviction for solicitation also comes with this harsh penalty.

At Grand Canyon Law Group, our Citrus Park solicitation lawyers help defendants avoid this outcome. Our legal team can work to provide evidence that there was never a concrete agreement to exchange sexual activity for an item of value or argue that there was a relationship between the two people. Every person’s case is unique, and our skilled attorneys work to discover the evidence that helps them build the most effective defense.


The laws in Arizona deal with allegations of solicitation and prostitution using the same core concept. This means that the alleged buyer of sexual services faces the same harsh potential penalties as sellers. This includes the mandatory minimum 15-day jail sentence after conviction.

It is vital that you give yourself every advantage moving forward to avoid ramifications on your personal and professional prospects. Hiring a Citrus Park solicitation lawyer to handle the case may be the right decision. The team at Grand Canyon Law Group can work to understand your goals, determine the strength of the prosecutor’s evidence, and create powerful defenses to protect your rights. Call us today to discuss your case.

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