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Citrus Park Sexual Assault Lawyer

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Citrus Park Sexual Assault Attorney

Some of the most serious criminal charges in the state’s criminal code outline the offense of sexual assault. A sexual assault involves sexual intercourse or oral sexual contact without the other person’s consent. A conviction for sexual assault involves a mandatory minimum prison sentence of 5.25 years; the most severe examples can result in a life sentence.

It is essential to mount an airtight defense against these allegations immediately after an arrest. Potential avenues for defense include arguing for mistaken identity, disputing whether the sexual intercourse was consensual, or arguing whether there was sexual contact at all. A Citrus Park sexual assault lawyer is ready to help if you face allegations of this conduct. The dedicated attorneys at Grand Canyon Law Group will work tirelessly to protect your legal rights, maintain your reputation in the community, and fight the charges during all court sessions.


The concept of sexual assault or rape derives its definition from state criminal law. According to Arizona Revised Statute § 13-1406, sexual assault involves sexual intercourse or oral sexual contact with another without consent.

An essential concept under the state’s sexual assault law is the idea of consent. A prosecutor seeking a rape conviction must prove that the sexual intercourse was the product of force or that the alleged victim could not consent due to incapacity or age. One possible defense against sexual assault charges involves raising doubt about this use of force. Our experienced Citrus Park attorneys can further explain the concept of rape and what a prosecutor needs to prove at trial to obtain a conviction.


A conviction for sexual assault is life-changing. The statute says a court must sentence a defendant to no less than 5.25 years in prison, regardless of any extenuating circumstances. This minimum penalty applies when the defendant has no prior felony convictions. In some cases, the court also has the authority to issue prison sentences as long as 28 years; if the alleged victim suffered a serious physical injury, the defendant could face a life sentence. Even after a defendant serves their prison sentence, they will still be on probation and must register as a sex offender.

The sexual assault lawyers at Grand Canyon Law Group work to prevent these harsh penalties. As soon as the police make an arrest, our attorney in Citrus Park can protect suspects from intense interrogation techniques. We could also question the legality of police methods that led to the acquisition of evidence and ask for that evidence to be excluded from trial. Finally, we could cross-examine the State’s witnesses during the trial or present other information to contest the prosecution’s case.


Every accusation involving sexual assault is a serious matter. Even a mere arrest under these charges could forever change your life. If the arrest results in a conviction, even for a lesser charge, you face significant time in prison in addition to other penalties.

Let a Citrus Park sexual assault lawyer take the lead in defending your rights and freedoms. The former prosecutors at Grand Canyon Law Group know how to protect you while in police custody, perform an independent investigation into the matter, challenge the legality of police methods, and present potent defenses before and during the trial. Contact our legal team now to learn how we can fight for you.

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