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Citrus Park Prescription Drug Lawyer

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Citrus Park Prescription Drug Attorney

The rampant misuse of prescription medications has become an increasingly common problem in Citrus Park, as it has around the rest of the country. Although many opiates, painkillers, and psychotropic drugs are legal, they are only legal when people have valid prescriptions. Unfortunately, because so many of these controlled medications are highly addictive, legitimate use can quickly turn into illegal possession and prescription fraud.

If you or your family member is facing charges for misusing prescription medication, you need to act quickly and decisively with help from a drug defense attorney. One of our Citrus Park prescription drug lawyers could help you construct the best possible defense.


Citrus Park police officers and courts are tough on drug crimes, and potential offenders can face a wide range of charges relating to prescription medication.


If someone has opiates or other drugs in their possession for which they do not have a valid prescription, they could face illegal possession charges.


When a patient receives a prescription for a powerful opiate, that prescription is only legal for that one patient whose name is on the pill bottle. The patient cannot share the medicine with family, friends, or strangers either by giving or selling it, or they could face distribution charges. Only a licensed doctor can distribute a prescription drug.


Police officers can arrest someone for fraudulently creating prescriptions, such as by forging a doctor’s signature in order to get more drugs. People can also face charges for obtaining prescriptions by fraud, such as by faking a serious injury to a doctor in the hopes of getting more painkillers. Doctors who knowingly create or give false prescriptions can also face criminal charges.

Grand Canyon Law Group has successfully helped people facing all different types of criminal charges relating to illegal prescription drugs.


The potential penalties will vary depending on the type of criminal charge.

Most charges involving illegal possession of a controlled substance are Class 1 misdemeanors. A convicted offender could face a 6-month prison term and up to a $2,500 fine. Many first-time illegal possession offenders could receive probation, mandatory community service, and a requirement that they attend a mandatory drug treatment or education program at their expense. Repeat offenders could face more time behind bars and larger criminal fines.

People in Citrus Park who possess prescription drugs with the intent to illegally distribute them face more serious charges and penalties. Most illegal distribution charges result in Class 6 felony charges, with a potential 6 months in prison. With repeat offenses and aggravated circumstances, a defendant could face up to 5.75 years in prison.

A strong legal team could help preserve a defendant’s freedom, finances, and reputation.


Even though prescription medication, such as Morphine, Oxycontin, and Adderall, are technically legal drugs, they are controlled substances. If they are misused or somehow get into the wrong person’s hands, you could face the same types of criminal penalties as those charges involving illegal drugs, such as cocaine and heroin.

When up against a prescription drug offense, you need to have a strong defensive ally on your side. A Citrus Park prescription drug lawyer could fight alongside you and offer a vigorous and aggressive defense. Contact Grand Canyon Law Group today to schedule your consultation.

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