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Citrus Park Expungement/Set Aside Lawyer

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Citrus Park Expungement/Set Aside Attorney

The law in Arizona contains harsh penalties for people who have criminal convictions. In every case, the court will create a criminal record. Even after you serve time in jail and complete all probation terms, the conviction can still impact your ability to get a job or obtain housing.

Thankfully, there is a way to move forward with your life after legal troubles. People who have remained out of trouble and paid their debt to society can ask a court to issue a set aside order. These orders will remove a criminal conviction from the public record, improving your employment, educational, and housing prospects. A Citrus Park set aside lawyer is ready to provide more information about this process and guide you toward a better future. Speak with the knowledgeable attorneys at Grand Canyon Law Group today.


A set aside order is a way for a person to clear their public criminal record. This means that if an employer, landlord, or other non-governmental entity searches for a person’s criminal history, the conviction will not appear. This also means the person can say the conviction never occurred when filling out paperwork.

It is important to note that the criminal conviction will still appear in police databases and criminal court searches. Additionally, the conviction will still count when determining sentencing for any new criminal charges with enhanced penalties for prior convictions. Still, seeking a set aside order with an experienced Citrus Park attorney can be a great way for a person to move forward with their life.


People looking to obtain set aside orders must follow a strict legal process. This process determines what a person must do to obtain these orders and when a petition is appropriate.

Arizona Revised Statute § 13-905 is the state’s statute governing the set aside process. A person seeking a set aside order must wait a specific period of time after the end of the penalty attached to their conviction. There is no waiting period after the end of a misdemeanor case. However, a conviction for a class 4, 5, or 6 felony has a waiting period of two years. A class 2 or 3 felony has a waiting period of five years.

A person seeking a set aside order must pursue the case on their own initiative. This includes completing the relevant paperwork and convincing a judge that they have completed their sentence and are now a law-abiding citizen. A seasoned lawyer at our firm is ready to provide more information about seeking a set aside motion. Grand Canyon Law Group can take the lead in obtaining the necessary paperwork, submitting it to the court, and making arguments on your behalf in court.


If you committed a criminal offense and served your sentence, you deserve the chance to make things right. After a certain amount of time has passed without legal trouble, you may be eligible to seek a set aside motion for your conviction. A successful motion will see a court clearing your public criminal record.

A Citrus Park set aside lawyer is here to help you pursue a better future and put the past behind you. Our legal team can explain when these motions are appropriate, help determine if you are eligible, and take the lead in pursuing these motions on your behalf. Contact Grand Canyon Law Group now to discuss your options.

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