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Citrus Park Criminal Defense Lawyer

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Citrus Park Criminal Defense Attorney

Every criminal case is a serious matter. Even a misdemeanor conviction will create a criminal record that can make it difficult to obtain employment, housing, or government benefits. In fact, a misdemeanor case can even result in jail time. Felonies are even more severe, with many mandating a minimum prison sentence.

If you are facing any kind of charge, it is essential to approach the case from a position of strength. Let a Citrus Park criminal defense lawyer be the ally you need in this challenging time. Our dedicated attorneys at Grand Canyon Law Group can explain the laws that control your case and develop defense strategies to protect your way of life. The sooner you reach out to us, the sooner we can get to work for you.


Every moment following an arrest is critical when developing a comprehensive defense. As soon as police make an arrest, they will work to obtain as much information as possible. This can include interrogating people under arrest and performing line-ups to obtain an identification. A Citrus Park criminal lawyer can help to protect the rights of those in police custody and fight back against prejudicial police conduct.


While many people think that a trial is their only chance to defend themselves, preliminary hearings in court are just as important. An arraignment is a chance to argue for fair bail terms that allow a person to await the end of their case from home. Other sessions offer opportunities to question the legality of evidence that a prosecutor intends to present at trial.


Of course, a final trial is another place where a local defense attorney can provide legal assistance. This can include working towards a plea deal that limits the impact of the case on a person’s life or offering arguments that aim to create reasonable doubt.


Legal assistance is helpful during any kind of criminal case. However, certain charges are more common in Citrus Park criminal courts.

Many of these cases involve the alleged use or distribution of illegal drugs. According to Arizona Revised Statute § 13-3405, the possession of most types of drugs is a Class 4 felony. Cases that allege the distribution of these substances are even more serious. In these situations, a skilled defense attorney in Citrus Park can work to dispute the idea that a person had these drugs in their possession.

Other examples of common criminal cases in local courts include:

The Citrus Park criminal defense lawyers at Grand Canyon Law Group work to tailor a defense strategy to the specific situation and fight to minimize the impact of the charges on a person’s life.


Every moment following an arrest is critical. You can be sure that police are working to gather additional evidence and that prosecutors are trying to build a robust case. It is essential that you prepare to fight back by working with a seasoned attorney.

A Citrus Park criminal defense lawyer can take the lead in your case and protect your rights throughout the legal proceedings. This includes representing you while still in police custody and gathering evidence that helps to prove your innocence in court. Reach out to the Grand Canyon Law Group now to make your appointment.

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