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Citrus Park Child Endangerment Lawyer

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Citrus Park Child Endangerment Attorney

Child endangerment is a charge that does not have a clear definition. If someone perceives your actions as posing a significant risk of harm to a minor, you could face child endangerment charges. Sometimes, misunderstandings can lead to these allegations.

Regardless of the circumstances that led to you being charged, you need representation from a Citrus Park child endangerment lawyer. Conviction on the charges could lead to time in jail and permanent consequences like losing gun rights and professional licenses. It is important not to speak with police or child protective services without the advice of a legal professional.

The dedicated attorneys at Grand Canyon Law Group could investigate the circumstances that led to the charge and mount a vigorous defense. Most importantly, we could work to ensure that the charges do not permanently disrupt your family. Get a seasoned professional on your side as soon as possible to protect your future and way of life.


Arizona does not have a law defining the crime of child endangerment. Instead, Arizona Statutes §13-1201 makes it illegal to recklessly create a substantial risk of physical, mental, or emotional harm to someone else. If the person at risk of harm is especially vulnerable, like a child, the law considers the child’s age an aggravating factor in the crime of endangerment.

The child need not suffer actual physical harm for charges to result. Circumstances that could lead to a child endangerment charge include:

  • Driving recklessly with a child in the car
  • Keeping illegal drugs in a place where a child might access them
  • Leaving a young child alone without supervision
  • Allowing a known sex offender to interact with a child
  • Leaving a child locked in a car
  • Failing to report child abuse
  • Exposing the child to domestic violence
  • Disciplining a child in a way that causes physical or psychological injury
  • Depriving a child of food, water, or medical care

Child endangerment sometimes overlaps with child abuse, a charge with more severe consequences. When a child suffers physical injury or risks death due to the alleged endangerment, a defendant could face a felony charge. If the injury was solely mental or psychological, or if the child suffered no injury but was allegedly at risk, the accused will likely face a misdemeanor charge. A Citrus Park attorney could further explain the severity of the penalties upon conviction for misdemeanor or felony child endangerment charges.


Sometimes, vindictive associates or family members falsely report that a child is endangered. In other cases, a teacher or someone with only part of the story might make an endangerment report based on a misunderstanding.

Proving child endangerment requires a prosecutor to show that the defendant knowingly and recklessly exposed the child to danger. Arizona law says that recklessness means:

  • A situation posed a significant risk that had a reasonable chance of occurring
  • The defendant was aware of the risk
  • The defendant consciously disregarded it

An experienced child endangerment lawyer at our firm could question whether a situation was inherently risky and whether the defendant consciously ignored a substantial risk. In many cases, a prosecutor’s evidence on one or more of these elements might be weak. If so, they might drop the charges or be willing to accept a plea to a lesser offense.


Child endangerment charges could cause intense anxiety and stress. These charges carry a stigma that could significantly affect your life and reputation, even if you did nothing wrong and are acquitted.

A Citrus Park child endangerment lawyer is here to help protect your rights and fight the charges against you. Do not risk your future or your family. Seek capable legal representation from the team at Grand Canyon Law Group, and give us a call today.

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