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Citrus Park Criminal Appeals Lawyer

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Citrus Park Criminal Appeals Attorney

Receiving a conviction at the end of a criminal case can be life-changing. When the case is a felony, convictions come with mandatory prison time and a permanent mark on your record. These consequences are even more devastating if you believe your conviction resulted from mistakes during your trial.

In these situations, it may be possible to bring your case back to the court’s attention. Everyone who receives a criminal conviction due to a jury verdict or guilty plea has the right to pursue an appeal. An appeal asks a court to review the processes and decisions of your trial court to determine if an error occurred. If so, an appeal may result in a new trial or even an outright acquittal.

A Citrus Park appeals lawyer can work to determine your options for pursuing an appeal. The dedicated defense attorneys at Grand Canyon Law Group will fight tirelessly to help you seek justice.


A criminal appeal is a way for people to seek remedy after a criminal conviction. However, these appeals are only appropriate in certain situations. The first limiting factor is time. Under state law, a defendant must notify the court of their intent to pursue an appeal within 20 days of the issuance of their sentence.


Another limiting factor is the grounds under which an appeal is possible. In short, an appeal is appropriate when an error of law results in an unfair outcome in a criminal case. This does not mean that a jury made an unfair decision based on the evidence. Instead, appeals must point to a judge’s error that resulted in an unfair trial. These errors often include:

  • An improper ruling allowing evidence to go before a jury
  • Errors during jury selection
  • An incorrect ruling on an attorney’s objection during trial
  • Ineffective assistance of counsel

A Citrus Park appeals attorney at our firm can evaluate the events during a case to determine any grounds for an appeal.


The purpose of pursuing an appeal is to seek out a fair result from a criminal court case. This can apply regardless of whether a conviction resulted from a jury’s verdict, judge’s sentence, or guilty plea. In criminal cases, prosecutors must prove the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt—all defendants are innocent until proven guilty. If an appeal is successful, the Court of Appeals agrees that the trial did not meet this standard.

There are two possible beneficial outcomes from appeals. The most common is that the Court of Appeals sends the case back to the original court for a new trial. This often occurs when a judge’s error leads to an unfair case before a jury.

The other outcome is an outright acquittal, which is much rarer. Only significant changes in the law or the discovery of severe errors during the trial can lead to an acquittal. Our experienced lawyer in Citrus Park can further explain the possible appeal outcomes for a specific case.


Every convicted individual has the right to pursue an appeal. However, this does not mean that an appeal will be successful, nor does it mean that there is a good reason to file one. Appeals will only be successful if a legal error during a trial, sentencing hearing, or plea bargain affected the result of your case.

If you believe the outcome of your trial was unfair, speak with a Citrus Park appeals lawyer immediately. Our team at Grand Canyon Law Group is ready to file a prompt notice of appeal, perform the necessary legal research, and make strong legal arguments on your behalf. These efforts could lead to a new trial or even an outright acquittal. Contact us now, as there is limited time to request an appeal after sentencing.

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