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Chandler Sex Crimes Lawyer

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Chandler Sex Crimes Attorney

In Arizona, sex crimes are prosecuted harshly and carry various consequences. The stigma can be long-lasting and impact your family, employment, ability to vote and carry a firearm, and where you are permitted to reside. Sex crimes can be misdemeanors or serious felonies, and punishment can range from completing a diversion course to spending the rest of your life in prison.

If you face charges for any of the crimes Arizona recognizes as sexual offenses, an experienced Chandler sex crimes lawyer could review your case and tailor the best defense for your situation. It is crucial that you reach out to the dedicated attorneys at Grand Canyon Law Group today to begin discussing your case.

“Sex crime” describes various offenses ranging from misdemeanor to felony charges. The prosecution will need to prove different elements depending on the specific allegations. They must prove the defendant knowingly engaged in illegal conduct, whether that is non-consensual sexual contact, sexual conduct with a minor, or possession of child pornography. Tailoring a defense to the specific charges is crucial to secure a positive outcome in the case.


There are various types of sex crimes in Arizona. The most serious charges are those that involve children, such as molestation of a child, sexual conduct with a minor, and possession of child pornography. Under Arizona Revised Statutes § 13-1410, a person can be convicted of child molestation if they engage in sexual contact with a child who is age 14 or younger. The law (A.R.S. § 13-1405) also prohibits engaging in sexual acts with a child under age 18 as sexual conduct with a minor. The penalties for this offense vary depending on the age of the alleged victim. The most serious consequences are reserved for those defendants who engage in sexual acts with children under age 15. Other examples of sex crimes include:

  • Indecent exposure: Exposing genitalia or female breasts, except when breastfeeding, and another person is present who may be offended or alarmed by the act
  • Sexual abuse: touching another person on their private parts (or having them touch you) without that person’s consent
  • Sexual assault and violent sexual assault: Rape and rape with an aggravating factor, such as being armed
  • Pornography involving a minor: Taking pictures, filming, or distributing material portraying children engaged in sexual acts
  • Public sexual indecency: Engaging in sexual conduct knowing others are present and would be offended
  • Prostitution: Exchange of sexual favors for money or other valuables


Punishment for sex crimes can include:

  • Fines
  • Diversion education
  • Jail or prison time
  • Probation
  • Community service

An experienced attorney at our firm can further explain the factors that might mitigate or aggravate a defendant’s sentence for sex crimes, such as previous criminal history.


Defenses to sex crimes often involve law enforcement mistakes, such as not advising a suspect of Miranda rights or failing to get a search warrant. A defendant and their attorney could also argue that they have an airtight alibi or are the victim of mistaken identity.

Our legal team is also skilled at tailoring defenses for the particular sex crime charges. For instance, a person younger than 19 or attending high school who engages in consensual sex with a minor over the age of 15 and less than two years younger than them could use Romeo and Juliet clauses as a defense to statutory rape charges. A diligent sex crimes lawyer at our firm could analyze a particular case to determine the right defense for the circumstances.


Arizona’s Department of Public Safety (DPS) oversees sex offender compliance. Once a convicted offender is released from custody, law enforcement and local government agencies have 72 hours to report the release to the DPS. The report discloses the release date and information about the offender, as well as a risk assessment to help determine if the offender is at risk of committing another sex crime. Scores range from 1 for low risk to 3 for high risk.

Convicted offenders are may be required to register with the DPS within ten days of release from custody. If an offender fails to register, a warrant for arrest will be issued for this Class 4 felony.


The DPS notifies law enforcement in the community a sex offender plans to reside in. If the offender is assessed a risk level of 2 or 3, the community and possible employers will be notified within 45 days through flyers distributed in nearby neighborhoods, schools, and community groups. A press release will also be issued. Because a sex crime conviction can have such a severe impact on a person’s reputation and future prospects, it is necessary for anyone facing these charges to get rigorous legal representation from our skilled attorneys.


There are many types of sexual offenses prosecuted in Arizona courts. The typical misdemeanor charges include indecent exposure and public sexual indecency. Public sexual indecency is some form of a sexual act, whereas indecent exposure is simply the exposure of genitalia or female breasts. If a person is accused of public sexual indecency or exposure to a minor under age 15, the charge becomes a felony.

Most sex crimes in Chandler are felony charges with severe potential penalties. These include:

  • Sexual conduct with a minor
  • Molestation of a child
  • Sexual assault
  • Possession of child pornography

No matter what type of sex crime charge a person faces, seeking legal counsel from a local attorney is essential.


Sexual offense charges involving minors are both common and heavily prosecuted in Chandler and throughout Arizona. Often, these involve minors between the ages of 15 and 17, although sexual allegations involving younger children will lead to much more severe consequences. Possessing or downloading child pornography, also known as sexual exploitation of children, is another common charge in the area.

Other types of sex crimes our Chandler lawyers handle regularly include prostitution-related offenses. These charges can involve adults or minors. Regardless of what sexual offense a defendant faces, our legal team can explain the statutory requirements for a conviction and work to contest the prosecution’s case.


Sometimes, a defendant faces sex crime charges in Arizona for alleged activity outside the state or the country. The most common charge in these scenarios is sexual exploitation of a minor or possession of child pornography. If an Arizona resident is accused of downloading or obtaining illegal images from outside the US, they may be prosecuted locally.

Law enforcement and prosecutors typically gather information from internet service providers or companies like Google, Twitter, or Facebook. They may subpoena chat rooms or other platforms where the material was allegedly transmitted. These entities may provide subscriber information, usernames, associated phone numbers, or data from the account.

Local law enforcement can use that information to identify the suspect, serve search warrants on their local address, and seize devices to investigate the sex crime charges. When facing these types of online sexual offenses in Chandler, defendants should work with a lawyer experienced in handling these cases.


Arizona does not terminate lifetime probation without considering several factors. A special judge is appointed to review petitions and determine who might benefit from a second chance at freedom after years in the criminal justice system.

Importantly, the individual must have served a certain amount of probation time before being considered for probation termination. After serving jail or prison time, the individual must spend at least:

  • Seven years on probation for a Class 2 felony, which includes rape or any dangerous crime against children
  • Five years on probation for a Class 3 felony, such as sexual exploitation
  • Four years on probation for a Class 4 felony, such as unlawful electronic disclosure of sexually explicit images
  • Three years on probation for a Class 5 or 6 felony, such as indecent exposure to a child younger than 15

For at least the past two years of probation, the petitioner must have complied with all conditions levied by the Court. The petitioner must have satisfied all fines, treatment, community service, drug testing, and restitution. If they had any petitions to revoke probation filed against them, they may not be eligible.


In addition to serving mandatory minimums on probation, the individual must meet all treatment requirements during the two-year period after a treatment plan is put in place. This includes successful completion of basic, relapse prevention, and maintenance treatment.


Petitioners are required to submit letters to the judge from family and friends commending their character and supporting probation termination. These character references could also come from pastors, employers, and anyone who knows the petitioner and supports the filing.


The judge considers other factors, such as whether a petitioner has a low risk of reoffending, how old the petitioner is, and the degree the victim suffered. Consult a Chandler attorney who understands the steps necessary to file a Petition to Terminate Probation after a sexual assault conviction.


Petitioners must successfully pass the Sexual History Disclosure polygraph test, in which their sexual activities are examined to detect unreported illegal encounters, compulsions, preoccupation with sex, and sexual deviancy. The offense for which the petitioner was convicted can also be explored via polygraph to ensure the person understands the gravity of the act.

Petitioners will also be subjected to maintenance polygraphs that delve into their behavior, such as why they pick certain victims or engage in high-risk behavior. Other tests within twelve months of petitioning the Court for probation termination include the MSI-II test that measures whether the person is regulating their behavior after taking responsibility for their sex crime.


After a Petition to Terminate Probation is filed, the judge issues an order specifying due dates for the Adult Probation’s Memo to the Court, to which the State answers. The petitioner then responds to the State’s submission. The judge reviews all the information, memos, and answers before granting, denying, or setting the Petition for a hearing. A skilled local attorney at our firm can help guide petitioners through the process of filing for to terminate sex crimes probation.


Working with a Chandler attorney is crucial to understand the potential challenges in a sex crime case. When the prosecution has a strong case, a lawyer’s job is to be creative in assessing every possible strategy. The seasoned attorneys at our firm can successfully argue certain defenses that less experienced attorneys may not see or recognize.

Understanding what challenges the prosecution faces is also crucial. As our legal team can attest, the state’s evidence is often lacking in sex crime cases. The role of a dedicated defense attorney is to find the weaknesses in the case and work to minimize the sexual offense charges—or even get them dismissed.


Our Chandler attorneys can employ many strategies in a sex crimes case. For one, we could analyze the police investigation to see if they had sufficient information to serve search warrants. If the warrants are founded on insufficient evidence, we could get certain pieces of evidence excluded. Our legal team can also look into computer forensics for charges involving online sex crimes like child pornography possession.

In some cases, the police may use improper interrogation techniques or tactics to obtain an admission from the suspect. They might fail to advise the suspect of their rights or overreach in their investigation. An attorney’s role is to protect the suspect’s Constitutional rights and build a sex crimes defense around any violations.


Those accused of sexual offenses need to work with an attorney knowledgeable in this specialized area of law. It is important to look for someone with significant experience handling these cases. The role of a sex crimes attorney is to understand the applicable laws, explain the potential sentencing, and advise the defendant on the best possible defense strategy.

Additionally, finding legal counsel with the right connections and relationships is essential. Our Chandler lawyers work with experts at various stages of a sex crimes case, from examining computers to conducting defendant evaluations to assessing the medical evidence. Grand Canyon Law Group is also made up of former prosecutors who know how the prosecution operates in these cases. We can put this training and experience to work for defendants.

The laws in Arizona are strict on sex crimes and contain some of the harshest punishments compared to other jurisdictions in the United States. This gives prosecutors significant power to control the defendant and their decision-making. When you are accused of a sexual offense, you face stiff, potentially life-changing penalties.

When you are under investigation for a sexual offense, you need to consult with legal counsel before answering any questions from law enforcement. Without representation, the likelihood of incriminating yourself is high. The police are looking for any statements to serve their interests and secure a conviction.

The role of a lawyer in Chandler sex crime cases is to protect you and your rights from the people who are not on your side. At Grand Canyon Law Group, we believe you have a way of life worth fighting for.


If you are charged with a sex crime, it could have a drastic effect on your freedom and reputation. To protect your way of life, you need a seasoned attorney to aggressively combat the charges against you.

Many charges fall under the umbrella of “sex crime,” all of which must be taken seriously. The specific allegations you face will determine what defenses are available in your case. Tailoring a strategy to the charges is crucial to secure a positive outcome and protect your future.

If you are under investigation or have been arrested for sexual offenses, speak with a Chandler sex crimes lawyer at Grand Canyon Law Group as soon as possible. Call today to consult with one of our dedicated attorneys.

Sex crimes in Arizona range from misdemeanor prostitution with little jail time to repeated dangerous and violent offenses that can land you in prison for life. There are various types of offenses that could lead to serious penalties and mandates, including prison time, fines, treatment, and a lifetime of probation.

If you were charged with a sex crime and have complied with your sentencing, you may be wondering about your options for moving forward with your life. At Grand Canyon Law Group, our knowledgeable attorneys are here to review your case and discuss whether you are eligible to end your probation. We are familiar with sex crimes probation termination in Chandler and can help you through the petition process.

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