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Chandler Drug Distribution Lawyer

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Chandler Drug Distribution Attorney

Drug distribution is a charge prosecutors bring when they believe an individual possesses illegal drugs with the intent to sell them. A prosecutor could infer an intent to sell based on the quantity of drugs allegedly found in a person’s possession. Distribution is a felony charge; a conviction could mean years in prison. If you are facing a drug distribution charge, you need an aggressive advocate in your corner.

Do not put your freedom and future in the hands of someone inexperienced. A Chandler drug distribution lawyer at Grand Canyon Law Group will challenge every aspect of the prosecutor’s evidence to achieve the most favorable result possible under the circumstances. Our dedicated defense attorneys are former prosecutors who know how to fight for you and your way of life.


In some cases, the state’s criminal statutes allow law enforcement and prosecutors to make inferences about defendants based on circumstantial evidence. For instance, the law assumes a person intends to sell illegal drugs if they possess a “threshold” quantity.

The threshold quantity differs for various drugs. According to Arizona Revised Statutes §13-3401(36), one gram of heroin meets the threshold. Four grams is the threshold amount for PCP, and it is nine grams for cocaine, fentanyl, and methamphetamine.

Note that the threshold amount allows a prosecutor to assume the defendant intended to sell the drugs. A person with less than the threshold amount could also face distribution charges if there is other evidence of intent to sell, such as if the drugs were hidden or the person also possessed scales, baggies, or a large amount of cash. Regardless of the circumstances that led to drug distribution charges, our Chandler attorneys can work to dispute the prosecution’s case.


Drug distribution crimes are either Class 2 or Class 3 felonies, depending on factors like the type of substance and whether the person possessed the threshold amount. Prison sentences are mandatory if the defendant is convicted of possessing the threshold quantity, even for first-time offenders. If a person possesses less than the threshold quantity, they could face a lengthy prison term if they have prior convictions.

Felony convictions could lead to significant time in prison and large fines. Even after release from prison, the consequences remain severe. A person convicted of drug distribution must serve time on probation after release. They lose their right to vote and possess guns. A conviction results in the suspension of most professional licenses, potentially leaving a person unable to practice their profession.

The seasoned local attorneys at Grand Canyon Law Group work to prevent the consequences of a felony distribution conviction.


Before a drug distribution case in Chandler gets to trial, our skilled lawyers would try to get the charges reduced or dismissed. Pointing out police misconduct is sometimes enough to convince a prosecutor not to bring a case. An attorney could present proof that the police did not have:

  • A reasonable suspicion justifying a traffic stop
  • Probable cause to search a vehicle
  • An appropriate search warrant before searching a building

Judges typically suppress evidence police gathered illegally, so a prosecutor might drop a case if there is evidence of poor police work.


Drug distribution is a crime of intent. That means the prosecution must prove the accused person knew they had drugs in their possession, knew that the substances were illegal to possess, and intended to distribute them to others, usually by selling them.

Although a prosecutor could infer intent to justify bringing a distribution charge, they must prove every element of the charge to get a conviction. A Chandler attorney at our firm could cast doubt on the prosecutor’s evidence of intent to distribute and persuade a jury that the prosecutor did not prove every element of their case.


State law sets statutory thresholds for different illegal substances. When a person allegedly possesses or sells drugs in amounts greater than this threshold, they face Class 2 felony charges with mandatory prison time upon conviction. Each drug category has a unique threshold—some only require a few grams to elevate the drug distribution charges.


The penalties are even more severe for cases involving methamphetamine. A defendant faces five to fifteen years for selling any quantity of this substance. Those accused of selling drugs in greater quantities than the threshold amount should work with an experienced Chandler lawyer to defend against severe penalties.


To investigate volume drug dealer cases, the police will speak with anyone they believe to be involved. They get people to name alleged dealers or identify drug sale locations. The police will then surveil the area, potentially sending in uncover officers to gather evidence of drug sales. They will also obtain search warrants and make arrests.

These operations are frequent in the Chandler area, and anyone who believes they are under investigation for selling large drug quantities should reach out to a local attorney immediately. Police must follow proper procedures when seizing evidence and conducting searches. A dedicated lawyer at our firm can represent someone accused of selling large drug quantities and ensure the police do not violate their rights. We can work to have evidence thrown out if it was collected improperly.


A criminal enterprise is an illegal organization or business engaging in illicit conduct for money. This can be an additional charge on top of the drug sale charges. The police may seize assets allegedly involved in the criminal enterprise, such as property, money, or bank accounts.

Criminal enterprise charges carry statutory consequences and felony prison time upon conviction. These penalties are above anything related to the drug sale charges. If the case allegedly involves a larger organization, foreign operations, or drug trafficking across various states, the federal government may take over the prosecution.

A person can also face conspiracy charges related to drug distribution, sale, or manufacturing. These are similar separate allegations from the criminal enterprise charges. In any large-scale drug sale case, working with a well-practiced attorney is crucial, as the potential penalties can be extreme.

Although all drug charges are serious, certain allegations come with harsher penalties than others. Selling larger quantities of any illegal drug can lead to felony charges with life-long consequences. In Arizona, various law enforcement squads and operations deal with and prioritize drug sale cases. Prosecutors pursue volume dealer charges aggressively, making it crucial to secure legal representation to protect your rights and future.

Drug sale cases are complicated, especially when they involve large quantities, and the potential consequences are severe. If you are accused of involvement in a drug trafficking organization, having an attorney who understands the complexities of these cases will be vital for your defense.


A conviction for distributing illegal drugs could change your life forever. When the potential consequences are this severe, trust your defense to an experienced legal professional who will work tirelessly to secure a positive outcome in your case.

Call a Chandler drug distribution lawyer at Grand Canyon Law Group as soon as you are arrested. We are prepared to protect you and your future.

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