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Should You Fight A Traffic Violation?

For some people, a traffic ticket is a minor annoyance that is immediately paid and forgotten. Fighting a traffic ticket might seem costly or pointless to some, but seeking legal counsel could dramatically improve the outcome of your case. This is important, given that traffic tickets can have hidden costs like steep increases in car insurance premiums.

Whether or not you should fight a traffic violation is a decision only you can make. That said, it may be in your best interest to defend against these violations rather than simply pleading guilty and paying the fine. While some cases could be won at trial, an experienced traffic attorney at Grand Canyon Law Group could help you reach a favorable plea bargain in other situations.


One of the most important reasons to fight back against a traffic violation is the impact a conviction can have on the cost of car insurance. Premiums are expensive already, and having an accident or traffic violation will only increase those expenses.

In some cases, getting a traffic violation could be enough to have the insurance company cancel the policy entirely. Once a person has enough accidents or tickets on their record, the insurer could decide to cancel the policy because of high risks.

Often, it is possible to avoid this outcome even when reaching a plea bargain with the state. Some prosecutors will allow a conviction to be taken under advisement, meaning it could be ultimately dismissed over time instead of entered into the public record.


Most states operate an administrative points system. Each time a driver is convicted of a moving violation, they have points assigned to their license based on the specific offense. When they accumulate a certain number of points within a specific time period, the state administratively suspends their driving privileges.

This can come as a surprise to some people, as this suspension is not part of the criminal case itself. A prosecutor might make a plea offer that does not mention a license suspension, only for the state to suspend the accused’s driving privileges once the conviction hits their record.

Fighting against these violations could prevent the accumulation of points or limit the points assigned. This could be possible by winning at trial or negotiating a plea for a lesser offense with fewer points.


When police write a ticket for a moving violation, they will act as if there is no doubt that the driver is guilty. Despite this confidence, the evidence of guilt might not be as strong as it seems. This is especially true for traffic violations that the responding officer did not directly witness. In other cases, determining whether a violation occurred can be subjective. A judge might see things very differently—especially with a skilled attorney advocating for the accused.


Should you fight a traffic violation? The answer may be yes, but that does not mean you should do so alone. Having an attorney advocating on your behalf could help you secure a favorable outcome in your case. Call Grand Canyon Law Group right away to discuss your options with legal counsel.