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Arizona Student Defense Attorney

Every alleged violation of the criminal laws in Arizona is a serious matter. However, university and college students need to take special care to protect themselves. Of course, a conviction for any criminal case can result in severe penalties. In addition, students may face discipline at their schools even if they avoid a conviction.

School disciplinary boards have the authority to investigate and punish student behavior independently of the courts. This means that they can act swiftly to remove privileges, issue a suspension, or even expel students. Making matters worse, schools often offer little in the way of due process for students to be able to defend themselves.

If you are facing an investigation relating to apparent misconduct, an Arizona student defense lawyer can help. The dedicated attorneys at Grand Canyon Law Group can work with you to construct a strong defense while fighting for your right to continue your education. Call today to learn more about what we can do for you.


Students in colleges and universities must follow the state’s criminal laws just like any other adult. In addition, security staff at schools must report any violations of the law to the local police. This means that if a student allegedly commits a crime on campus, or anywhere else for that matter, they are likely to face criminal charges in court.

Typical charges that students often face include:

While some offenses are minor and would be classified as a misdemeanor, others are felonies and could result in prison sentences. In either case, a skilled attorney could help to formulate a defense for students facing criminal charges.


Potential consequences of a criminal charge can vary greatly depending on the nature of the offense and the presence of mitigating or aggravating factors. State law provides a list of mitigating and aggravating factors that apply to most felony cases. For example, a Class 5 felony could result in a jail sentence of as little as six months when the alleged offender has no prior offenses. However, aggravating factors could lengthen a sentence to as long as two and a half years.

State sentencing laws can be tricky to understand. A knowledgeable attorney can help you understand the potential consequences you are facing given the unique facts of your case.

Possible Criminal Defense Strategies for Students in Arizona

The criminal defense strategies for students are similar to the legal arguments made for adults in Arizona. One value a student criminal defense attorney brings is the ability to communicate to school administrators that their client should not be disciplined or expelled.

Students facing drug possession allegations can hire an attorney who can look into whether the student’s Fourth Amendment rights were violated. Students enjoy the same protections as adults who live off campus.

The student defendants might also assert a lack of knowledge or control over the drugs, especially in scenarios where many people had access to the area where drugs were found. Another approach could be disputing the classification of the substance as illegal.

A defense strategy for assault allegations could be that the student acted in self-defense. An attorney can establish that the student did not have an intent to commit a crime. For crimes such as battery or harassment, defendants might challenge the credibility of witnesses or argue mistaken identity if applicable.


Defending against criminal charges is only one step in helping students retain their freedoms. The mere appearance of impropriety could lead a school to initiate its own investigation. In fact, a school can act on its own initiative and punish students even if a criminal court declines to do so. The penalties can range in severity from a warning against future misconduct, to a suspension, to expulsion.

Unfortunately for students, they often lack effective means to defend themselves. Colleges do not need to adhere to the rules of criminal procedure or evidence like criminal courts do. They may bring charges with little opportunity for a student to examine the evidence or talk to witnesses. An Arizona student defense lawyer could help to stand up for a student’s rights during the process, prepare them for the investigation, and, when applicable, present a defense personally before the inquiry board.

Arizona Student Defense FAQs

Q: How Much Does a Defense Attorney Cost in Arizona?

A: A defense attorney in Arizona charges fees based on the time and resources needed to defend a particular defendant. Each case is unique. Criminal defense attorneys often charge a flat fee or an hourly billable rate.

Under the billable hour system, the attorney may require an upfront payment called a retainer. When the retainer is depleted, the client usually pays another retainer. More experienced attorneys tend to charge more for their services than less experienced lawyers.

Q: How Does a Student Defense Attorney Differ from Other Attorneys?

A: A student defense attorney understands that college and school campuses have their own unique policies for handling disciplinary issues. A student who is facing criminal charges requires representation in both the courtroom and with the school’s administration. A student defense attorney can communicate on behalf of their client so the student’s side of the story is heard.

Q: Can You Take the Bar Without Going to Law School in Arizona?

A: You can take the state bar even if you went to law school outside of Arizona. You do have to have a law degree from an accredited law school. Once you have an accredited law school degree, pass Arizona’s bar exam, and complete any other requirements, you will be able to practice law in Arizona.

Q: What Is the Most Valuable Tool for Defense Attorneys?

A: The most valuable tool for any defense attorney is experience. While cases may be similar, they bring unique challenges. Once an attorney has represented dozens or hundreds of clients, they gain firsthand experience in their field of law. Criminal defense attorneys are the same. Look for an attorney who has represented students and understands their unique needs.

Q: What Is the Most Common Argument of a Defense Attorney?

A: The most common argument made by a defense attorney is that their client is not the criminal they are being made out to be. There is often more to the story than the narrative pushed by prosecutors. In some cases, defendants are falsely accused. In other cases, there are mitigating circumstances that should be considered. Lack of criminal intent is one example.


Students facing accusations of criminal conduct need to act quickly to protect themselves. Formal criminal charges can result in the creation of a criminal record, the payment of fines, and time in prison. Additionally, a school’s disciplinary board can act against a student that is facing allegations on or off-campus, leaving you facing potential suspension or even expulsion.

Contacting an Arizona student defense lawyer can help you to retain control over this process and offer a potent defense. Your rights deserve protection, and as former prosecutors, our dedicated defense attorneys can help. Call Grand Canyon Law Group today to schedule your case consultation.

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