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Equal Justice Scholarship Winners

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My name is Emma Chandler. I am a 2023 graduate of Hamilton High School in Chandler, Arizona, and I am attending the University of Kentucky for both academics and sports. I will be studying kinesiology on my journey to become a physical therapist, with the goal of helping others recover from injury. Furthermore, I will also be diving for the University of Kentucky this fall. After training for 10 years as a gymnast, I switched to diving three years ago, and it has helped me achieve my dream of competing as an NCAA student-athlete. I am excited about starting my collegiate journey, and I can’t wait for what the future holds.

Reaction Statement:
I am beyond blessed and honored to be awarded the Equal Justice Scholarship. It will help alleviate the pressure of college financials. Furthering my education is my most important priority, and with this scholarship, I will be able to better focus on my studies. I would like to thank the Grand Canyon Law Group for their generosity to my academic future.


I recently graduated from Irvington High School and will be attending Fordham University in the fall. Outside of school, I enjoy soccer, a sport I have played since I was in kindergarten. Other hobbies I enjoy include learning about American history, especially the political and economic aspects of it. I believe the best way to live life is with a sense of service and humility. This has inspired me to serve my local and global community in whatever capacity I can.

Receiving this distinguished award has validated my future career aspirations in law. More and more I’m thinking about becoming a Constitutional attorney. While the Constitution is in no way perfect, it is fundamental to our society and the greatness of American democracy. With injustice becoming more prevalent in our society, “justice for all” has simply become a catchphrase while Americans fail to live up to that standard. These issues inspire me to want to be involved in the legal process and reforms.


My name is Abigail Fulton and I just graduated from Southwestern High School in Hanover, Indiana. I plan on attending Butler University in the fall and double majoring in Political Science and Peace and Conflict Studies and have plans to attend law school. I graduated at the top of my class with a 4.67 GPA and was a tri-varsity athlete in volleyball, basketball, and softball. I was a Student Body President, National Honors Society President and the co-founder of Mayor Youth’s Council. I also interned at the Jefferson County Prosecutor’s office and practiced volunteerism through my church and multiple other agencies.

Reaction statement
Upon hearing that I have received this amazing scholarship, I was filled with immense gratitude for Grand Canyon Law Group’s generosity in choosing me as the recipient of this scholarship. This scholarship will not only better my education and help alleviate some of the financial pressure that comes with higher education, but will allow me to serve others and better the criminal justice system through my work in politics and law.

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