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Navajo County Criminal Defense Attorney

It can feel overwhelming and frustrating to have to deal with criminal allegations that are made against you, especially if you are attempting to handle such charges on your own without the help of legal counsel. Retaining the services of a criminal defense lawyer may be the most important decision you make during this entire process. If you do not take the proper legal precautions and hire a Navajo County criminal defense lawyer, the consequences could be dire.

What Can a Criminal Defense Lawyer Do for You in Navajo County, AZ?

If you are charged with a criminal offense, whether it’s a misdemeanor or a felony, you should consult an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Navajo County. A defense lawyer’s primary role is to defend your rights, build and argue a quality legal defense, and provide any assistance you may need throughout your case. Fighting criminal charges is no easy task; without a strong lawyer, you may find yourself facing severe and harsh penalties.

A conviction for a drug crime or a DUI can have serious ramifications throughout nearly every aspect of your life. A criminal conviction can impact your personal relationships, employment status, housing situation, and reputation, among other things. It is important to be fully aware of the consequences that can occur if you fail to fight the charges. A good lawyer might even get your charges dismissed.

A criminal defense lawyer’s job is to defend you in a court of law. You can do your part by being totally honest with them about your case. Remember that anything you tell your lawyer is protected under attorney-client privilege, and they cannot legally reveal anything you say to them without serious repercussions. Your lawyer cannot effectively do their job unless they know the facts.

Here are some important ways that your lawyer can help you and your case:

  • Building a Defense: Without a strong defense strategy, your case is nearly hopeless. You stand a much better chance of developing a strong defense with the aid of a criminal defense lawyer. If criminal charges are filed, it is vital that you start building your defense as quickly as possible. Reach out to an experienced criminal defense lawyer. They can give you advice on how to proceed and be completely honest with you about your chances of success.
  • Protecting Your Rights: Throughout your case, it is important to constantly remind yourself that your lawyer’s job is to protect your rights. Regardless of your guilt or innocence, a criminal defense lawyer is there to give you legal representation and fight for you. Defending against criminal charges isn’t easy, and you may face many setbacks. Your lawyer can be there every step of the way to protect your rights and argue your case.
  • Plea Bargains: If there is a considerable amount of evidence against you, your only avenue may be to consider a plea bargain. In a plea bargain, your lawyer works out a deal with the prosecution in which you agree to plead guilty to the charges in exchange for leniency in sentencing. It may not be ideal, but it could end up being the only option left to avoid severe penalties.

Navajo County Criminal Defense Law FAQs

Q: Should I Speak With the Police?

A: No, it is not recommended that you speak with the police, at least not without your lawyer present. There is a decent chance that, upon your arrest, the police do not believe in your innocence and may try to get you to incriminate yourself. When you are arrested, you should politely refuse to answer their questions and insist that you will only speak with a lawyer present. If you speak with the police, anything you tell them could be used against you later.

Q: Do Defense Attorneys Always Believe Their Clients?

A: There is no way to determine if defense attorneys always believe their clients’ innocence. Defense attorneys are people, just like everybody else, which makes them susceptible to snap judgments, emotional reactions, and feelings. However, it is a defense attorney’s job to focus primarily on providing their clients with quality legal representation, regardless of any beliefs in their guilt or innocence. They cannot present false evidence or admit their clients’ guilt without consent.

Q: How Do You Answer Questions Without Incriminating Yourself?

A: Avoiding self-incrimination can be difficult. If you are being questioned by law enforcement, the easiest way to avoid incriminating yourself is to simply not respond to their questions and repeatedly request the presence of a lawyer. However, if you are in court and are trying to avoid self-incrimination, you may want to devise a strategy of caution with your defense attorney. If you are concerned about this, discuss it with your lawyer as early in your case as possible.

Q: Should You Admit Guilt to Your Defense Attorney?

A: Yes, you should consider admitting guilt to your defense attorney if you are indeed guilty. It is vital to the success of your case that your lawyer has all the necessary facts before deciding on an effective strategy for your defense in Navajo County, AZ. Without all the pertinent information, your lawyer cannot effectively do their job. Even if you are afraid of the implications or how it makes you look, you should admit everything to your lawyer.

Reach Out to an Experienced Navajo County Criminal Defense Lawyer Today

Facing criminal charges on your own can feel daunting and impossible to overcome, no matter how confident you may be in your own defense. It is vital that you reach out to an experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. They can provide you with a strong defense strategy and give you advice on how to proceed with your next steps. After all, having someone on your side who understands the complexities of the law can only benefit your case.

At Grand Canyon Law Group, we can develop an effective strategy, gather the evidence you need that supports your defense, and protect your interests throughout this entire ordeal. Contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our valued team members today.

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