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Bullhead City Criminal Defense Attorney

Few instances in your life can be as challenging or demoralizing as facing criminal charges. Being accused of or charged with a crime can feel upsetting, frustrating, confusing, and often infuriating, and it is important that you take the proper steps to protect yourself in case it happens to you. The consequences that you could face could be life-threatening, depending on the charge, so it is vital that you retain the services of a Bullhead City criminal defense lawyer.

What Can a Bullhead City Criminal Defense Lawyer Do for You?

A criminal defense lawyer from a Mohave County law firm can help you build a viable defense if you are ever arrested. You may be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the nature of your case. Misdemeanors are typically less serious than felonies, though both kinds of charge can result in significant penalties. Crimes such as drug offenses or driving under the influence can result in irreparable damage to your reputation, employment status, and future.

A criminal defense lawyer’s primary job is to protect their clients’ interests, and that includes providing you with quality legal assistance and a viable defense strategy for your case. An experienced criminal defense lawyer dedicates their efforts to ensuring that your case is taken care of and argued with care.

Here are a number of different ways that a criminal defense lawyer can help you:

  • Protect Your Rights: Above all, your criminal defense attorney does what they can to protect your rights and preserve your interests throughout this process. From the moment you are arrested, you are granted certain rights under the Constitution, including the right to remain silent, the right to a fair trial by a jury of your peers, and the right to counsel. Reaching out to your lawyer should be one of the first things you do upon arrest.
  • Build a Defense: When there are criminal charges filed against you, you should reach out to an experienced lawyer who can develop a strong defense strategy. Your lawyer can carefully evaluate all the evidence against you, investigate on their own, and come to their own conclusions about your case. Depending on your situation, you may be advised to fight the charges in court or pursue a dismissal if the evidence supports you.
  • Investigate Independently: When you first consult your criminal defense lawyer, they likely wish to conduct their own independent investigation into your case to make their own determinations about how to handle everything going forward. This can include going through police reports, checking out the scene, gathering witness statements, and reaching independent conclusions.
  • Plea Bargaining: Regrettably, not every case is going to be easy to argue in court. Your lawyer may decide that the most effective way to help you is to pursue a plea bargain. In a plea bargain, the defendant agrees to plead guilty in exchange for certain concessions from the prosecutor. Depending on the amount of evidence against you, it may be your only avenue to avoid the maximum sentence.
  • Litigation: Depending on whether you were willing to accept a plea bargain, your case may be decided in a court of law. If so, you should look for a criminal defense lawyer with experience in litigation. Your lawyer can represent you and do what they can to defend you, using the defense strategy that you have agreed to.

Bullhead City Criminal Defense Law FAQs

Q: What Happens If a Defense Lawyer Knows That Their Client Is Guilty?

A: If a defense lawyer knows that their client is guilty, they are still ethically bound to represent them and protect their interests. A client’s guilt or innocence should have no bearing on the defense lawyer’s performance. A defense lawyer must do what they can to advocate for their client’s rights, even if they are aware that the client is guilty. The lawyer’s primary job is to prevent the prosecution from proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Q: Should You Tell Your Defense Attorney the Truth?

A: Yes, you should always tell your defense attorney the truth. Your defense attorney cannot do their job effectively if they do not have all the facts of your case. Anything that you are withholding from your lawyer could be discovered by the prosecution, which will use it against you during your trial in Bullhead City. Anything you tell your lawyer is protected by attorney-client privilege. They cannot share anything you told them in confidence, or they could risk disbarment. Be honest at all times.

Q: What Shouldn’t I Say to My Attorney?

A: The one thing you should never say to your attorney is a lie. Under no circumstances should you lie to your attorney. Lying can only hurt your case and prevent your lawyer from providing you with an effective defense. Regardless of how it makes you look or how incriminating it may appear, always be honest with your lawyer. Their job is to help you beat the charges against you, and they cannot do that without your help.

Q: What Is the Most Common Argument of a Defense Attorney in Bullhead City?

A: The argument that your defense attorney will make on behalf of your case will depend entirely on the facts of your situation. Every case is different, so the argument will be different every time. However, one of the more common arguments that a defense attorney may use is that the defendant cannot be found guilty of a crime that they did not understand or were unaware they were committing. This can include a defense of insanity, drunkenness, or even a simple mistake.

Reach Out to a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Bullhead City Today

Facing criminal charges can be an overwhelming experience, particularly if you are facing them alone. An experienced Bullhead City criminal defense lawyer can be an invaluable asset to your legal defense, and hiring one could be the most important decision you make in your case. It is vital that you figure out a strong defense strategy and be completely honest with your lawyer at all times. They are here to help you.

The attorneys at Grand Canyon Law Group understand the kind of legal assistance that you will need if you are facing criminal charges, and we are prepared to help you fight those charges. We can help you develop your case, gather the necessary evidence, and ensure that you aren’t taken advantage of throughout this process. Contact us to schedule a consultation with our firm.

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