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Pursuing Justice One Step At A Time: How Our Team Supported The Community At The Annual Mesa Marathon

As the rain fell steadily on the morning of Saturday, February 10th, we at Grand Canyon Law Group gathered with eager anticipation for the 12th annual Mesa Marathon, ready to vocally back the over 9,000 runners while spotlighting our steadfast commitment to criminal defense and justice for all.

Leading our firm’s support crew were Managing Partners Ryan McPhie and David Lish, both committed to justice inside and outside the courtroom. Despite the inclement weather, their enthusiasm sparked the team’s spirit as they embarked on the half marathon course to set an example of perseverance. Ryan’s wife Kristin McPhie, always one to push limits, took on the full 26.2-mile test of endurance with steadfast resolve.

We stationed ourselves in front of our mesa office which was located at the 18-mile mark, raising rousing cheers for each runner while offering encouragement and small bites of energy-boosting snacks from Dunkin Donuts. Undeterred by the rain, we clapped, cheered, and shouted motivational words to uplift participants’ morale as they confronted the demanding course. Our support symbolized our pledge to advocate for community members in all pursuits.

At the Race Expo the night before our firm also distributed practical branded keepsakes – water bottles bearing our firm’s logo – as subtle reminders of our reliable backing on every step of life’s unpredictable journey. To lighten spirits, our team brought humorous signs including one proclaiming “Run Like the Cops Are Chasing You!” which won appreciative chuckles from passing police officers running the half marathon. Shared moments of levity highlighted the contagious spirit of unity on display that morning.

For us at Grand Canyon Law Group, sponsorship of this hometown race centered less on exposure and more on active engagement with the close-knit community we serve day to day. Dedicated to justice and client advocacy, we recognize the inextricable link between personal and collective achievement that comes from an atmosphere of encouragement.

In reflective retrospect, we are filled with deep gratitude for the chance to support fellow citizens as they tested their limits. And we beam with pride at having contributed to the spirit of inspiration that pervaded the event, whatever the weather. Rain or shine, we at Grand Canyon Law Group reaffirm an uncompromising commitment to running alongside neighbors and partners in progress, united by the quest for justice.

Looking ahead, we will continue pursuing that lifelong marathon – one steady step at a time, while working to build a more just and inclusive world.