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Avondale Traffic Ticket Lawyer

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Avondale Traffic Ticket Attorney

Countless traffic tickets are issued by law enforcement every day across the state. While they are typically treated as little more than a nuisance by most people, the reality is that certain violations can carry real consequences. You could face steep monetary fines, increased insurance costs, and in some cases, the prospect of jail time. Do not let this happen to you!

When you receive a ticket, you are under no obligation to simply pay it without considering other options. You can fight back if you believe it was unjust and a trusted defense attorney can help. Before you attempt to resolve your case on your own, it could be in your interests to speak with an Avondale traffic lawyer from Grand Canyon Law Group.


Drivers can face an array of issues when they are found guilty of a driving offense. While some of these penalties are minor, others can have a surprising impact on a person’s life. An Avondale attorney could work to resolve a traffic case in a favorable way, so call us NOW for a free consult.


Every traffic offense can potentially lead to a monetary fine. These costs can add up, especially for anyone that is ticketed for multiple offenses at the same time. In addition to the fines that are assessed, judges also generally order the person to pay court costs as well.


Not every consequence involves a penalty written into state statutes. While a plea offer or a trial verdict will not make any mention of insurance costs, it is a safe bet that premiums will go up following a conviction. Insurance companies will base their policy premiums in part on a person’s driving record, so any new traffic violation could see an increase in the monthly costs or even lead to cancellation of the policy entirely.


Most moving violations do not carry the threat of incarceration. That said, there are some offenses that are treated as misdemeanors as opposed to infractions. In these cases, a conviction could include jail time, with common examples including reckless driving and driving under the influence.


Like all states, Arizona operates a point system designed to penalize drivers with multiple traffic convictions. Any time a person is found guilty of a moving violation, they have a set number of points assessed to their license. For example, hit-and-run accidents are worth 6 points, while driving under the influence is worth 8 points.

A person in Avondale who receives 8 points within 12 months could face a one-year license suspension. Accumulating 24 or more within that same time frame will lead to a 36-month suspension.


Few things are as heavily regulated as driving. There are limitations on how fast a car can go, who can be behind the wheel, and what kind of shape a vehicle must be in, among other things. Each of these rules carry penalties and violating them can be costly. Common examples of these offenses include:

  • Speeding
  • Leaving the scene of an accident
  • Failure to yield
  • Driving with a suspended license
  • Expired tags
  • Reckless driving

A traffic attorney in Avondale could fight any of these charges using available evidence. Reaching out to legal counsel is an important first step following a ticket.


If you received a traffic ticket, you could be facing steeper consequences than you realize. In any case, it could benefit you to discuss your options with an attorney from the Grand Canyon Law Group. An Avondale traffic lawyer could help you understand what is at stake while assisting you with beating these charges. Talk to our team NOW during a free consultation.

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