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Dui Crackdowns Loom Over St. Patrick’s Weekend In Phoenix

As the Valley preps for a flurry of St. Patrick’s Day celebrations this weekend, Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office and Arizona Highway Patrol confirmed plans to establish DUI checkpoints and highway saturation patrols targeting impaired drivers. We urge those partaking in festivities to exercise extreme caution and understand their rights should police interactions occur. If apprehended on suspicion of alcohol-related offenses, call Grand Canyon Law Group anytime for responsive criminal defense.

Local law agencies historically focus St. Patrick’s holiday weekend enforcement efforts along I-10 corridors and central urban nightlife districts where partiers gather. Typical DUI checkpoint guideposts:

  • Single-file traffic funneling
  • Officer questioning about consumption
  • Field sobriety testing orders (voluntary participation only!)
  • Request for breath or blood samples

Note that authorities now also implement roving ‘phantom checkpoints,’ which merely entail signage and flashing hazard lights staged roadside to deter suspected impairment without verification. Do not assume their legitimacy!


When anticipating spikes in DUI patrols, we advise individuals not only plan transportation wisely but also memorize applicable constitutional protections should police interactions transpire:

Remain calm and cooperate respectfully but minimally with questioning. Voluntary field-testing participation constitutes self-incrimination – know you can politely decline! If formally arrested, explicitly invoke 5th amendment rights, and REFUSE additional inquiry without an attorney present.

DUI charges bring devastating implications to one’s finances, freedom, and permanent record. Reach out to our seasoned team of DUI attorneys immediately at 480-573-6441 for 24/7 guidance following any detainment. Rest assured Grand Canyon Law Group will relentlessly defend your rights and future! Here’s to a safe and responsible St. Patrick’s Day weekend for all.