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Glendale Embezzlement Lawyer

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Glendale Embezzlement Attorney

Most charges related to theft allege that a person took someone else’s property without their permission. However, embezzlement charges are unique and involve several legal nuances. Here, a defendant has permission to hold the property in question but is accused of misusing it.

A Glendale embezzlement lawyer can help you if you are accused of misusing someone’s property. The dedicated attorneys at Grand Canyon Law Group can explain this complicated legal concept and investigate why you were arrested. We will then craft an effective defense to protect you and your way of life.


Embezzlement occupies a unique position under state theft law. While most theft cases allege that a person took property without the owner’s permission, an embezzlement charge can only move forward if the defendant had permission to hold the property in the first place. However, these charges allege that the defendant improperly used the property. The exact allegations will vary from case to case.

For example, an accountant holding client funds should keep those funds separate from their personal or business money. They may use client funds to pay creditors or the government at tax time. Any other use of that money could be illegal and an example of embezzlement.

People may also face allegations of embezzlement related to physical property, such as an auto repair shop using a client’s car to pick up parts from a supplier. A Glendale embezzlement attorney at our firm can provide more information about this complex area of law and discuss a tailored defense for the charges.


There is no separate statute under state law that carries the label of “embezzlement.” Instead, charges will fall under the core larceny statute. The severity of embezzlement charges depends on the value of the items allegedly involved.

Under Arizona Revised Statutes § 13-1802, embezzlement charges may be classified as a class 1 misdemeanor to a class 2 felony. Most embezzlement cases will be misdemeanors when the value of the items involved is less than $1,000. Convictions here can result in up to one year in jail.

However, if the items carry a value of more than $25,000, the case can be a class 2 felony. Even if this is a person’s first felony conviction and there are mitigating factors, the court must impose a prison sentence of no less than three years. If aggravating factors exist, this sentence may extend to 12.5 years. Our skilled local attorneys can explain how state law deals with allegations related to embezzlement and work to prevent severe penalties.


If you face allegations of the supposed embezzlement of someone else’s money or property, you must act swiftly to protect yourself. These cases can be charged as felonies with mandatory prison time. Even a misdemeanor conviction can significantly impact your life and reputation.

A Glendale embezzlement lawyer is here to help you avoid this outcome. The team at Grand Canyon Law Group can explain the concept of embezzlement and investigate the reasons for your arrest. We can then examine your relationship with the property and its owner and build a defense against allegations that you misappropriated the items in question. Contact our firm now to get the dedicated legal representation you need.

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