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Citrus Park Post-Conviction Relief Lawyer

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Citrus Park Post-Conviction Relief Attorney

The criminal code in Arizona is harsh. All felony cases come with presumed jail time, and even misdemeanor convictions can impose severe penalties. Unfortunately, many assume they must simply accept these life-changing consequences after a conviction.

However, you may have options for pursuing a better future. Every convicted person has the right to ask a court for post-conviction relief. Relief may take the form of a reduced sentence or even a new trial. Talk to a Citrus Park post-conviction relief lawyer to learn your options. The knowledgeable attorneys at Grand Canyon Law Group can provide more information about this process and help you exercise your rights in court.


Convictions for felonies and misdemeanors can come with heavy penalties. A sentence may be unfair or overly harsh due to various circumstances after the conviction. For instance, changes to the law might permit the behavior for which a person received a conviction or mandate a less-severe penalty. Perhaps the most common example is the legalization of marijuana. In these cases, a petition for post-conviction relief may bring a shorter sentence or end a person’s sentence for a marijuana possession conviction.

A petition for post-conviction relief often cites specific changes in the law that make a current punishment inappropriate. These petitions may also point to specific errors during sentencing that resulted in an overly harsh sentence. Our Citrus Park attorneys can examine a person’s current sentence, compare it with any new legal developments, and determine if post-conviction relief may be appropriate.


While everyone has the right to seek post-conviction relief, state law places significant limits on when this may be appropriate. Under Arizona Rule of Criminal Procedure § 32.4, petitioners have only 90 days after the court hands down their sentence to seek relief.

To start the process, a defendant must submit a Notice Requesting Post-Conviction Relief with the court that heard the original case. This provides a general outline of the defendant and their case. Next, the person seeking relief will submit a more detailed Petition for Post-Conviction relief. This petition provides more detailed information about the proposed outcome and makes legal arguments as to why this outcome is appropriate.

These petitions are of the utmost importance. A post-conviction relief lawyer at our firm will evaluate the events during a person’s trial and sentencing hearing. We also remain informed about recent changes in the law that may make a post-conviction relief petition appropriate.


Everyone deserves fair and equal treatment under the law. Sadly, courts often return unfair convictions and sentences. New changes in the law can also make a person’s prior sentence unjust. In these scenarios, a petition for post-conviction relief may be appropriate.

A Citrus Park post-conviction relief lawyer can help you explore your options for protecting your future. The dedicated attorneys at Grand Canyon Law Group will explain the state’s post-conviction relief programs and how they work. We are prepared to form detailed petitions on your behalf and work to save your way of life. Contact our legal team today, as there is limited time to file your petition.

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