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Mesa Aggravated DUI Lawyer

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Mesa Aggravated DUI Attorney

While any drinking under the influence (DUI) charge may be serious for an Arizona driver, aggravated DUI is the most severe level of DUI. Many factors can trigger an aggravated DUI charge, but these cases can all end in a common result – felony conviction with life-altering consequences. If you have been charged with a DUI, time is critical. Speak to one of our experienced Mesa aggravated DUI lawyers as soon as possible to ensure an effective defense is put forward in your case. Schedule a consultation today to get started.


Under Arizona law, aggravated DUI is a specific statutory violation. It is a far more serious charge than DUI or extreme DUI, with penalties that reflect that fact.

Aggravated DUI may be charged when a driver:

  • Has previous standard DUI or extreme DUI convictions
  • Was driving with suspended, canceled, revoked, or refused privileges
  • Has a child under age 15 in the vehicle
  • Has a court-ordered certified ignition interlock device
  • Was driving the wrong way on a highway

Aggravated DUI conviction has a specified schedule of penalties, fines, and mandatory minimum punishments. While courts have some sentencing discretion, a defendant should generally not expect leniency or any significant variations from the schedule.


If you are arrested under suspicion of an aggravated DUI violation, the first thing that should happen is that your Miranda Rightsare read to you. It is important to know that at any point, from the moment an officer stops you until your hearing, you have legal rights, including a right not to self-incriminate and to remain silent. You also have the right to have an attorney represent you throughout the process.

The process following an arrest for aggravated DUI involves several steps, including:

  • Confiscation of your driver’s license
  • Issuance of a temporary license for use until your hearing
  • Authorities notifying the Arizona Motor Vehicle Department of your pending suspension
  • After initial processing, a crime lab will test your blood or urine samples for alcohol and/or drugs
  • In many cases, the police will then release you to a responsible party
  • The Motor Vehicle Department will mail a suspension notice
  • You must then schedule a suspension appeal hearing within 15 days to protest your pending license suspension
  • You will enter your plea on your court hearing date
  • The judge will hear the evidence and make determinations about guilt and penalties


If you are facing DUI charges, especially for aggravated DUI, you need to take decisive action to protect your rights, freedom, and future. Do not mistakenly believe you are out of options just because you have been charged; our team is here to help. With more than a decade of real-world criminal trial experience, our team has the knowledge and skills necessary to advocate on your behalf.

Time is critical. If you have been charged with aggravated DUI or any other DUI crime, speak to our Mesa aggravated DUI lawyers as soon as possible so that they can review your case and start to work on building a solid defense.

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