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Phoenix Sexual Assault Lawyer

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Phoenix Sexual Assault Attorney

Sexual assault or rape is any type of sexual conduct, whether masturbatory or penetrative, without the person’s consent. These allegations can involve various acts that fall under this basic definition. Regardless of the specific circumstances, these are serious accusations with life-altering penalties upon conviction. When the stakes are this high, you need to take immediate action to protect yourself and your future.

Working with a Phoenix sexual assault lawyer is the best way to deal with these charges proactively. At Grand Canyon Law Group, our dedicated defense attorneys are former prosecutors who know how to handle your case the right way. We can use our legal knowledge and experience to protect your rights and fight for the most favorable outcome in your situation.


If a person is convicted of sexual assault, they face a mandatory prison sentence of at least 5.25 years, up to 14 years. Each sexual act can be charged separately, and those counts will come with consecutive prison sentences. These are life-altering consequences, making it crucial to work with an experienced sexual assault attorney at our firm on an airtight defense. A strong defense strategy could reduce a person’s sentence or help them avoid prison time altogether.


Multiple factors could lead to aggravated charges and increased penalties in a sexual assault case. These could include the following:

  • Harm or physical injury to the victim
  • The span of time or the number of counts allegedly committed
  • Any emotional or financial harm to the victim
  • Any prior convictions by the defendant

The prosecutor can allege many other aggravating factors beyond the ones listed above. If they can convince a jury, these factors may lead to increased prison time and other penalties. Our Phoenix lawyers can argue against aggravated charges and present mitigating factors to lessen the potential consequences of a sexual assault conviction.


The central aspect of any sexual assault case is the lack of consent. This is often the most difficult part of the state’s case, although they must also prove that sexual acts occurred. Proving that these happened without a person’s consent is more challenging, leaving many potential avenues for a Phoenix attorney to explore.

In many cases, the prosecution may try to prove the consent element through a confrontation call, also known as a one-party consent call. This involves an alleged victim or witness contacting the defendant on a secretly recorded call to try and get them to admit to the charges. The dedicated lawyers at our Phoenix office understand these tactics in sexual assault investigations and can work to protect a defendant’s rights throughout the proceedings.


When you face sexual assault allegations, legal counsel can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. An empathetic attorney will listen and understand your side of the story while knowing how to fight and attack the state’s case. A Phoenix sexual assault lawyer will also work with experts to build a strong case for an acquittal on behalf of the defendant.

At Grand Canyon Law Group, we have the experience and know-how to defeat the charges against you. You need someone who understands these specific laws to help you navigate the legal system. Give us a call today to learn how we can fight for your way of life.

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