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Peoria Sex Crimes Lawyer

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Peoria Sex Crimes Attorney

Even if you have no prior criminal record, a single conviction for a sexual offense in Arizona could lead to life-altering penalties and mandatory sex offender registration. When facing these allegations or under investigation, do not take any chances with your future. Skilled representation from a seasoned attorney will be crucial to achieving a positive outcome.

A Peoria sex crimes lawyer can fight for your rights from the beginning of the law enforcement investigation to the conclusion of your case in court. No matter the specific charge you face or your criminal background, Grand Canyon Law Group will defend you tirelessly.


Title 13, Chapter 14 of the Arizona Revised Statutes defines numerous criminal offenses involving sexual misconduct, most of which are categorized as felony offenses. Some offenses like “indecent exposure” under A.R.S. §13-1402 or “public sexual indecency” under A.R.S. §13-1403 are generally Class 1 misdemeanors. However, if someone targeted or affected by these offenses is under 15 years old, the defendant may face Class 6 felony or Class 5 felony charges.

As defined under A.R.S. §13-1406, sexual assault is always a Class 2 felony offense. First-time offenders are typically subject to a sentencing range of 5.25 to 14 years upon conviction—even harsher ranges apply to individuals with one or more prior felony convictions on their record. In addition, sexual misconduct involving a minor can be prosecuted as anything from a Class 6 felony to a Class 2 dangerous felony against children. The charges will depend on whether the child is under 15 years old and whether the offense is defined as sexual abuse under A.R.S. §13-1404, sexual conduct with a minor under A.R.S. §13-1405, or molestation of a child under A.R.S. §13-1410. Our knowledgeable local attorneys can further explain the potential penalties for a specific sex crime charge.


While some offenses categorized as sex crimes follow the standard sentencing guidelines outlined in A.R.S. §13-702, many have unique sentencing guidelines under specific circumstances. Notably, offenses like sexual conduct with a minor and molestation of a child under the age of 15 are typically treated as dangerous crimes against children and subject to different sentencing guidelines outlined under A.R.S. §13-705.

As our sex crimes lawyers in Peoria can explain, offenses affecting younger children come with progressively harsher sentences. For example, sexual assault of a 12 to 14-year-old is punishable by 13 to 27 years of imprisonment for a first-time offender—compared to the range of three to 12.5 years applicable for non-dangerous Class 2 felonies. The same offense involving a minor under 12 years old may be subject to life imprisonment without eligibility for probation, parole, or release before serving a minimum of 35 years. When the stakes are this high, representation from a seasoned sexual offense attorney is essential.


Sexually based criminal offenses are prosecuted harshly in Arizona. When you face allegations of any sexual offense, the quality of legal counsel you retain could significantly impact your life for years to come.

Contact a Peoria sex crimes lawyer who knows how to handle your case the right way. The former prosecutors at Grand Canyon Law Group will explore every avenue for your defense and work tirelessly to protect our rights. Call today for a consultation.

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