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Peoria Criminal Appeals Lawyer

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Peoria Criminal Appeals Attorney

Having a criminal conviction on your record can have a lasting impact on your life, including your ability to earn a living and even your freedom. Being found guilty by a jury can lead to a harsh sentence, but you still have an opportunity to fight back through the appellate process.

If you are considering an appeal, it is crucial that you work with a seasoned criminal defense attorney right away. The Grand Canyon Law Group understands the complex nature of these cases, and we are driven by the opportunity to help you right the wrong that occurred at trial. Get in touch with a Peoria appeals lawyer right away to get started.


The appeals system does not exist to give a person a second chance for an acquittal. For an appeal to be successful, there must be appropriate grounds. This means a mistake must have been made at trial that was significant enough to have altered the outcome of a case. Some common examples include the following:

  • Improperly admitted or excluded evidence
  • Sentencing outside the guidelines
  • Jury selection errors
  • Ineffective counsel

A Peoria attorney with Grand Canyon Law Group can provide more information about possible grounds for appealing your sentence. Reach out to us today to schedule a consultation.


The appellate system can act as a lifeline for a person convicted of a crime if they comply with all the rules, including the deadline that applies in every criminal case. The courts will only consider an appeal if the defendant files their notice of appeal within 20 days of the trial judge handing down a sentence.

During this deadline, the defendant must notify the court of the intent to appeal, not the full brief in support. Our firm will have additional time to build a winning argument, but complying with this narrow window of time is crucial.

Given what is at stake, it is important to contact the Grand Canyon Law Group as soon as possible. In addition, a Peoria lawyer can help with other relief options besides a traditional appeal, like post-conviction relief in the future when additional evidence is discovered.


In these filings, a defendant can ask a higher court for relief from a criminal conviction, which takes different forms. Often, we will argue that the proceedings were so inherently unfair or unlawful that a new trial is necessary. For example, this might be an option in cases where a judge allowed evidence in front of a jury that should have been excluded. When a case is returned to the lower court, it can be used to determine guilt or innocence again or to resentence the defendant.

In rare situations, a conviction can be thrown out entirely. In this scenario, the court rules that justice requires the case to be dismissed with prejudice rather than the state being able to re-convict. An appeals lawyer in Peoria can review the record to determine the appropriate type of relief to seek.


The appellate process can be overwhelming, even for someone familiar with the criminal justice system. The rules and requirements are antiquated and difficult to understand. Unfortunately, compliance with these guidelines is vital for anyone hoping to overturn a conviction.

The Grand Canyon Law Group understands this process, and we are ready to help. Contact a Peoria appeals lawyer right away to get started.

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