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Glendale Traffic Ticket Lawyer

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Glendale Traffic Ticket Attorney

After receiving a ticket or facing an arrest for a moving violation in Arizona, you have several important decisions. Among these is whether you will want to contest the ticket in court or if you will need to appear in person to address the charges. Some of these cases are mere violations that give you the option of requesting a trial. Others are criminal matters that come with harsher penalties and require your presence in court.

In any situation, a Glendale traffic lawyer at Grand Canyon Law Group is prepared to help. If you choose to contest a ticket in court, our skilled attorneys are prepared to present a powerful defense that aims to convince a judge to dismiss the ticket. If your appearance is required, we are ready to protect your rights as the case moves through the criminal justice system.


Most traffic stops that result in the receipt of a ticket give a driver two options. They may choose to pay the fine associated with the alleged violation. While this will dismiss the case, it also makes a mark on a person’s driving record and could result in an increase in insurance premiums or even a suspension of a license. For these reasons, many drivers choose to contest the allegations in court.

Common examples of traffic violations that give a driver the option of requesting a court date include speeding (under Arizona Revised Statute § 28-701) and failing to stop at a stop sign (under AZ Rev. Stat. § 28-773). Drivers receiving these tickets must move quickly to request a formal hearing in court. There is always a time limit after the receipt of a ticket to exercise this right, but this time will vary on a court-by-court basis. A nearby traffic attorney can identify the procedures for requesting a formal hearing in Glendale and form a defense that aims to defeat the prosecutor’s allegations in court.


Not every traffic stop that results in the issuance of a ticket or an arrest gives a driver the option of appearing in court. Some traffic stops allege criminal offenses where a conviction can result in the creation of a criminal record and even time spent in jail.

The most common example here is allegations involving supposed drunk driving. AZ Rev. Stat. § 28-1381 says that it is against the law to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol or with a blood alcohol level of 0.08 or more in their blood, or drive while under the influence of liquor.

Because a conviction has the possibility of a jail sentence, it is vital to fight these charges at every opportunity. The same is true for other alleged criminal activity while behind the wheel, such as child endangerment, reckless operation, or vehicular assault. A Glendale lawyer at our firm is ready to develop a defense on behalf of those accused of vehicular offenses.


Traffic stops in Arizona can be stressful situations. To avoid the fines, points on licenses, and potential insurance payment increases that accompany a finding of responsibility, it is crucial to seek legal counsel.

A Glendale traffic lawyer can help you understand why a police officer made a stop and what your obligations are under the law. If a court appearance is optional, we are prepared to submit a formal request for a hearing and present a case that helps avoid a conviction. When appearance is mandatory, the team at Grand Canyon Law Group is prepared to provide representation throughout the length of the criminal case. Reach out to us today to learn how we can fight for you.

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