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Glendale Student Defense Lawyer

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Glendale Student Defense Attorney

Facing criminal accusations while attending a college or university in Arizona can be a daunting experience. Not only could an arrest lead to criminal charges that come with harsh consequences, but your school is also likely to initiate its own proceedings. This could result in a change of housing, loss of privileges, suspension, or even expulsion.

To defend your way of life and educational future, reach out to a Glendale student defense lawyer as soon as possible. An experienced attorney at Grand Canyon Law Group can craft a defense for your criminal case and advise on your school’s disciplinary code to protect your rights.


All colleges and universities in Arizona maintain their own codes of conduct. These codes dictate how a student must act both while on campus and while out in the world. Any accusation of wrongdoing may trigger an investigation and subsequent disciplinary hearing. This could involve supposed illegal activity that results in an arrest or simply behavior that the school considers to be improper.

In either event, a disciplinary board hearing will move forward according to the specific rules of a school. The school may allow an attorney to appear in person to argue the case or force a student to appear alone during all interviews and formal sessions. Even if a school does not allow an attorney to appear in person, legal counsel could still coach students on how to respond to questions. A Glendale student defense attorney could take the lead in drafting written statements to protect an individual’s educational future.


If an incident involves allegedly illegal activity, it is likely that a student will face a simultaneous case in a local criminal court. Because most college students are adults, they will likely face the full potential consequences of a conviction. This can include the creation of a criminal record, the payment of a fine, community service, or even time in jail.

Our local student defense lawyers are experienced in handling a variety of cases on behalf of young adults. Common examples of charges that college students may face include:

The goal in any criminal case is to create reasonable doubt concerning the prosecutor’s accusations. A skilled student defense attorney could argue for the exclusion of evidence, introduce information about consensual relationships, or contend that a fight was an instance of self-defense.


College students have much at stake when facing criminal charges in Arizona. Not only does state law treat them as adults for the purposes of trials and sentencing upon a conviction, but their schools may also act to impose their own penalties. In fact, a school may act even if a criminal case does not result in a conviction or if an arrest never occurred.

Speak with a Glendale student defense lawyer now to protect yourself. Grand Canyon Law Group is prepared to present persuasive defenses in criminal cases while working to understand your school’s disciplinary processes. Contact us now to discuss how we can protect your educational future.

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