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Gilbert Criminal Speeding Lawyer

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Gilbert Criminal Speeding Attorney

Speeding is a common criminal offense but can carry serious penalties. Many people are surprised to learn that it is a criminal offense, not just a civil traffic ticket, in certain circumstances. These include going more than 20 miles per hour over the speed limit or exceeding 85 mph, among other scenarios.

If you are facing these charges, do not take them lightly. It is essential to call a skilled defense lawyer at Grand Canyon Law for rigorous legal support as soon as possible after your traffic stop. A Gilbert criminal speeding lawyer at our firm can work to lessen the penalties you face or avoid a conviction altogether. Our attorneys are former prosecutors who know how to navigate the legal system for the best outcome. Using the right attorney can have a large impact on the outcome and the future effect on your life.


The state of Arizona defines “excessive speeds” under § 28-701.02 of the Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.). In Gilbert, a person may face a criminal speeding charge for the following instances:

  • Going more than 20 miles per hour over the speed limit in a business or residential area
  • Exceeding 35 miles per hour when entering a school zone
  • Exceeding 45 miles per hour in business or residential areas that do not have a posted speed limit
  • Exceeding 85 miles per hour in any other locations


Excessive speeding while driving is a class 3 misdemeanor under A.R.S. § 28-701.02(B). Under these statutes, an accused person could be penalized by up to 30 days in jail or a fine of $500 plus surcharges, which can nearly double the fine. To avoid or minimize these consequences, it is crucial to work with a local criminal speeding lawyer on a rigorous defense.


In criminal cases, a mitigating factor is a fact or circumstance that allows for more lenient sentencing. Arizona defines mitigating circumstances in different criminal contexts and provides examples of these factors under A.R.S. §§ 13-701(E) and 13-751(G). Potential mitigating circumstances include:

  • Age (i.e., engaging in reckless conduct due to youth or advanced aging)
  • Limited capacity to appreciate the wrongful nature of one’s actions
  • Substantial or unusual duress (i.e., unwillfully engaging in illicit conduct because of threats, force, or violence by another)
  • Minor involvement in the actual crime

In addition to these factors, there are other types of extenuating circumstances that could be relevant in a speeding criminal case. These include:

  • A good driving record (i.e., never had an accident, traffic violation, or points assessed)
  • A clean criminal record (i.e., no previous criminal charges)
  • Genuine remorse

Those facing criminal charges for a speeding-related offense may have the opportunity to present mitigating circumstances in the course of their hearing. Our persistent attorneys are skilled at effectively presenting mitigating factors to the court and lessening the severity of criminal speeding charges.


Our firm is founded by former prosecutors who directly handle all of our cases. We know how the prosecution approaches these types of charges and can aggressively defend accused individuals against serious penalties.

If you are facing charges for excessive speeding, it is crucial that you work with the right attorney to protect your freedom, reputation, and future. Let us put our knowledge and experience to work for you. Call a Gilbert criminal speeding lawyer at the Grand Canyon Law Group today for a consultation about your circumstances.

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