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Child Molestation vs. Sexual Conduct in Arizona: What’s the Difference?

Crimes involving minors in Arizona are thoroughly investigated, prosecuted, and penalized. Two of the most serious charges that can be brought forward are child molestation and sexual conduct with a minor, which are commonly confused with each other or misunderstood. If you’ve been charged with a crime involving a minor, understanding the difference between child molestation vs. sexual conduct in Arizona can help you fight your charges and protect your rights.

Child Molestation Crimes in Arizona

Under Arizona Revised Statutes 13-1410, child molestation is defined as intentionally or knowingly having sexual contact with a child under the age of 15 years old. Specifically, under the statute, sexual contact involves touching any private parts of the child, except for the genitals, with the goal of sexual gratification.

Child molestation crimes are broad, involving various instances of physical contact of an inappropriate nature. It’s crucial to note that child molestation crimes can be charged without having oral sexual contact or penetration.

As the crime is classified as a Class 2 felony and considered a Dangerous Crime Against Children in the state, it comes with significant penalties, including the following:

  • A mandatory sentence in prison for a first-time offense
  • Imprisonment for life or other extended sentences for a repeated offense
  • Registration as a sex offender for life

Because child molestation charges come with mandatory minimum sentences, defendants cannot negotiate for early release or probation.

Sexual Conduct With a Minor in Arizona

Sexual conduct with a minor is defined by Arizona Revised Statutes 13-1405. This involves the intentional or knowing engagement in oral sexual contact or sexual intercourse with a person under 18. Sexual conduct with a minor is different from child molestation, as it specifically involves oral-genital contact or penetration.

Under Arizona law, individuals under the age of 18 are not legally capable of giving consent for sexual activity. Therefore, consent is not a sufficient defense against sexual conduct with a minor charges.

The penalties for sexual conduct with a minor depend on the age of the child:

  • If the minor is between the ages of 15 and 17, the crime could be classified as a Class 6 felony or Class 2 felony, depending on the nature of what happened. A Class 6 felony charge can come with time in prison, probation, or fines.
  • If the minor is under the age of 15, the crime is classified as a Class 2 felony, which comes with the potential for life imprisonment.

Defending Against These Serious Charges

If you have been accused of sexual conduct with a minor or child molestation, it is critical to meet with an experienced attorney who can defend your rights and interests. They can leverage strong defenses, such as mistaken identity, lack of evidence, or the fabrication of accusations. Furthermore, cases that involve consensual relationships between teenagers could have the “Romeo and Juliet” statute applied for limited protections.

By acting quickly, you can mount a strong defense against these allegations.


Q: What Is Child Molestation in Arizona?

A: Child molestation in Arizona involves the knowing or intentional engagement or causation of sexual contact, excluding the genitals, with a child under the age of 15. In the state, child molestation is a severe crime, classified as a felony, which can come with significant prison time, hefty fines, and mandatory registration as a sex offender. If you are facing these charges, it’s crucial to work with an experienced attorney.

Q: What Is Sexual Conduct With a Minor in Arizona?

A: Sexual contact with a minor in Arizona typically involves knowingly or intentionally carrying out sexual intercourse or having oral sexual contact with an individual under the age of 18. Sexual conduct with a minor is a serious crime in Arizona, and the specific penalties can vary, depending on the age of the minor in question. An experienced attorney can explain the specific charges you may be facing.

Q: How Does Child Molestation Differ From Sexual Conduct With a Minor?

A: Child molestation differs from sexual conduct with a minor in terms of the age of the alleged victim and the nature of the contact in question. Child molestation involves contact of a sexual nature with a child under the age of 15, excluding intercourse and contact with the genitals. Sexual conduct with a minor includes oral sexual contact or intercourse, and it involves children under the age of 18.

Q: What Are the Penalties for Child Molestation in Arizona?

A: Penalties for child molestation include a mandatory minimum prison sentence for individuals being charged for the first time. If repeat offenses occur or aggravated circumstances are present, individuals may face significantly longer sentences or even life in prison. Child molestation is considered to be a Class 2 felony and a Dangerous Crime Against Children, so it is strictly penalized.

Q: What Are the Penalties for Sexual Conduct With a Minor in Arizona?

A: The penalties for sexual conduct with a minor in Arizona depend on the age of the child and the circumstances involved. For example, if the victim is between 15 and 17 years old, the crime is classified as a Class 6 felony, which can lead to fines, probation, and time in prison. If the victim is under the age of 15, the crime is classified as a Class 2 felony, which can lead to significantly longer prison sentences.

Mount a Robust Defense With a Diligent Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you are charged with a serious sex crime involving a child, such as child molestation or sexual conduct with a minor, you are likely feeling devastated, overwhelmed, and unsure of what steps to take next. Fortunately, an empathetic criminal defense attorney from Grand Canyon Law Group can fight back against your charges. Using the evidence in your case, we can formulate a compelling defense strategy to challenge the prosecution’s assertions.

Together, we can mount a strong criminal defense, pushing to get your charges minimized or even dropped. Contact us today to learn more.